Articles by Lakota
A New Age of Musicians with Blipbox

Thank you to Playful Engineering for providing me with product in exchange for review purposes. All opinions are my own.
My husband has always been a huge fan of music. Not only does my husband love to listen to music but he also loves to create it. When I met him ten years ago he was a pretty avid guitar player. Once we had children our extra time dwindled but my husband makes it a huge point to keep music and instruments around our kids and in their daily lives.
We have a box of basic percussion Read more [...]
Super Versatile Wagon ~ A Wonderfold XL Review

Thank you to Wonderfold for providing me with product in exchange for review purposes. All opinions are my own.
My little family of five lives in a pretty small town (I’ve mentioned bring your tractor to school day in the past). While living in a small town has its downsides like no Uber eats, not many attractions to do, etc. a small town can have the perfect characteristics that make up for the downsides.
Our favorite thing to do in the warmer weather is take walks together. Every morning Read more [...]
The All New Graco Harper 4 in 1 Crib ~ A Review

Thank you to Storkcraft Direct for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions are my own.
When I had my first baby seven years ago, I was so excited to decorate the baby room. We lived in an apartment at the time so decor was quite limited. I wasn’t allowed to paint or hang shelves. We lived in a two bedroom apartment with my mom at the time so the idea of a whole room dedicated to baby furniture, accessories and decor wasn’t really an option either. I was gifted my crib Read more [...]
Breastfeeding Hack that Saved My Style!

It has been a while since an update with me and my little family! Little Link is doing amazing, almost a year old now believe it or not. He is standing and walking with furniture support. He is eating or rather I should say trying lots of foods. We practice baby led weaning which entails waiting for baby to truly be ready for real whole foods like steamed broccoli, carrots and more. I love following this method as I never have to mess with puree's or baby food in general. Our little one just eats Read more [...]
How and Why I Sleep on the Floor Featuring Joybed

Thank you to Joybed for providing me with product in exchange for review purposes. All opinions belong to me.
My husband and I have been floor sleeping for about two months. I first found out and considered floor sleeping after reading articles regarding the incredibly toxic materials most mattress are made out of. Not only are these chemicals toxic for your health but they are also non bonded. Non bonded chemicals mean that every time you touch or bump or move on the mattress these toxic chemicals Read more [...]