PLB T-Shirts Sustainable Design – Review and Giveaway CAN (5/28)

    Thank you PLB for providing me with a product to review, free of charge, and for sponsoring this giveaway. These are my own honest opinions.  PLB t-shirts are born out of the desire to blend aesthetics and functionality. They are created by Pier-Luk, a great designer in Montreal, Canada. Each of them features a beautiful and imaginative design. Pier-Luk's style is quite unique in that he favors the use of colorful t-shirts with monochromatic  or dichromatic printed designs. When Read more [...]

Öko Creations Luxurious Organic Bath Time Products for Baby – Review, Giveaway, and Discount Code US/Can 5/23

Thank you Öko Creations for providing me with a product to review, free of charge, and for sponsoring this giveaway. These are my own honest opinions. Öko Creations is a small company that 2 sisters with a love of all things green started back in 2009. They offer many great products made from eco-friendly textiles. Their aim is to replace everyday products such as towels and face cloth that aren't made of organic fabric as well as replace wasteful disposable single-use products such as sanitary Read more [...]

Super Duper Publications – Fun Educational Material Review And Giveaway US/Can 5/21

Thank you Super Duper Publications for providing me with  a product to review, free of charge, and for sponsoring this giveaway. These are my own honest opinions. Learning and having fun shouldn't be mutually exclusive. In fact, we know that kids learn more easily and retain information better when they are having fun. Yet, so often learning feels like work and having fun just means being silly without a purpose. Whenever I find a game or an activity that combines both, I know I've got the Read more [...]

You! Lingerie Nursing Bra Review and Giveaway and Special Mother’s Day Promotion US/Can (5/19)

Thank you You! Lingerie for providing me with a product to review, free of charge, and for sponsoring this giveaway. These are my own honest opinions. Nursing moms shouldn't have to compromise and nor be limited to a few boring styles when it comes to nursing bras. Considering that it is recommended moms breastfeed for 6 months exclusively, then in conjunction with solid food for at least 2 years (according to the World Health Organization), it's not like we have to give up our sense of style Read more [...]

4 Ways To Pimp Your Baby’s Outfit

Thank you KhyKouture for providing me with products to review, free of charge. These are my own honest opinions. Baby clothes are so darn cute! But given their tiny size and the time they actually fit, they can be terribly expensive. If you're like me and you can't afford every $50 outfit you see, here are so easy ways to pimp your baby's outfit without breaking the bank. As a general rule, you want to look for things that can compliment many outfits so your child will be able to wear it over Read more [...]
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