Articles with Recipes
Bean & Bun ~ This Hearty Recipe Is Sure To Be A Family Pleaser!

This winter has been a brutal one. We were hit with a Polar Vortex last week and are currently experiencing a snow storm with more than ten inches of snow forecasted to pile up. On a night like this, I crave warm, comfort food. Bean & Bun is just the ticket. Never heard of Bean & Bun before? Neither had I - until I met my husband. It's a favorite recipe his mom made him and she passed it on to me. Now, I'm happy to share it with you!
1 pound ground hamburger
16 Read more [...]
Raw Spice Bar ~ A Spicy Gift for The Cook in Your Life & Giveaway (12/30)

Thank you to Raw Spice Bar for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions are my own.
When my family switched to a whole food plant based vegan diet we were able to realize that meat was not providing a lot of the flavor in our dishes. We found that it was actually the spices within the dish that really made the dish stand out or fall short.
Using the raw spices from Raw Spice Bar has made such a difference in the meals we have made. Every meal from breakfast to dessert Read more [...]
Apple Salad ~ A Whole Food Plant Based Recipe

As you guys know my family recently adapted a whole food plant based diet. I have had a bit of a struggle with finding recipes the kids want to devour, that is until I created this recipe. Now initially this recipe started as apple nachos, think sliced apples, popcorn, chocolate chips, dried fruit, and peanut butter drizzle…I'm drooling just thinking about it. I quickly found that this recipe was tasty, but messy given you eat it with your fingers like nachos. So in my head I thought maybe if I Read more [...]
Quick & Easy 4 Ingredient Chicken Casserole

I am now back to work full time (until I go on maternity leave in 9 weeks). As many of you know, my husband is a farmer, so he generally gets home fairly late between 7-7:30. I like to have supper ready to go when he gets home. I get off work, pick up our daughter at daycare, come home, clean out our bags from that day and ready them for the next day, pick out clothes for the next day, etc.
In that same time I need to be thinking about supper and/or getting supper ready. I love meals that are Read more [...]
Smoky Cheddar Cheese Skillet Fondue Recipe

At the beginning of summer break, we have our daughters each write a summer bucket list. Their lists include anything and everything they hope to do that summer while on vacation from school. This year's summer bucket lists included family bike rides, swimming, play dates, slumber parties with their cousins, camping, a day at the beach, going to the county fair, watching a movie at the theater and trying new foods.
When asked what new foods they wanted to try, my oldest said she wanted to try Read more [...]