Adora Dolls BabyTime Babies 5 Piece Set + Giveaway (US & Canada) 10/18

Our 2 year old daughter is obsessed with babies!  Ever since we took in our first (4 month old) foster baby over a month ago, she just can't get enough.  And even though that little girl was only with us two weeks, we knew our daughter missed her as she'd walk around the house looking for baby after she left.  Thankfully, the void didn't last long as our next foster baby arrived just three days later!  So now, with a real tiny baby in our home, the obsession has doubled for her and I was so happy Read more [...]

Big Lots ~ Simmons Tristan Bunk Bed & Zeopedia Memory Foam Mattress {Review}

Sharing a bedroom is a childhood staple in many homes and I grew up sharing with my sister.  While we didn't always like it, I do think it helped us work through our issues since neither one of us had anywhere else to go.  Plus, let's face it.  When it's storming and scary, nobody wants to be sleeping alone!  Now that I'm a mom, I actually love the fact that our kids share bedrooms.  We have a "girls room" and a "boys room".  But, with five of our own kiddos and a foster baby in the home, we Read more [...]

Cozy Cover ~ The Original Car Seat Cover + Giveaway (US) 10/12

I have mentioned in a previous posts how my husband and I had been in the process of getting licensed for foster care.  Before that was even complete, we had received a phone call for our first foster children!  That was an exciting and scary time as we were unsure of what to expect.  No matter how much you prepare, foster care is such an uncertain path.  I've been told you just never know when you'll get a call for a child/ren or when that next call will come saying the social worker will be Read more [...]

Zutano ~ Fun Fall Fashions For Kids + Giveaway (US & Canada) 10/7

As I sadly pack away our fun, bright colored summer clothes, I'm trying to brace for what lies ahead.  Here in Minnesota, we typically have gorgeous, crisp Falls which are nice but then comes Winter.  I've never been a Winter person as the 30 below zero days are more than I care to handle.  But for now, the slow down that Fall brings as we leave Summer behind is nice.  And to help me prepare and welcome this change, Zutano sent a couple awesome outfits for our kiddos. Sending a big thank you Read more [...]

Casio Watches ~ Time Pieces For Everyone!

A few months ago, I touched on how our little boy really wanted a watch of his very own.  Since he just turned 4 this past Summer, he had taken a notice to others wearing watches and decided it was high time he join the crowd.  Then, when we took in three foster daughters a couple weeks ago, the older two girls both brought up the fact that what they really wanted was a watch of their very own.  Since I was starting to see a trend in children wanting watches, I was thrilled to partner with Casio Read more [...]
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