Muir Way USA National Parks 3D Raised Relief Map Review + Giveaway

Thanks to Muir Way for sending me this beautiful map! As always, all opinions are my own.  Our family has visited a few different national parks and we have lots more on our 'want to visit' list, too! So far we've traveled to Zion, Bryce Canyon, and The Grand Canyon. My husband and I have also visited Glacier National Park, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, and Yellowstone National Parks and hope to get there soon again with our kiddos. When I heard about Muir Way's USA National Parks 3D Read more [...]

American Carrom Board Game Table Review

Thanks to Carrom for collaborating with me! As always, all opinions are my own. There are affiliate links in this post.  Are you a board game family? We love sitting down and playing games together! If you ask our nine year old son what is favorite thing to do is, you're going to hear an ecstatic "board games!" Recently I learned about the high-quality, American-made brand Carrom and I had to learn more. Check out the most versatile game board I've ever seen, and why we are so excited to Read more [...]

Zyfe: A Cleaner Choice for a Sustainable Future

I sincerely thank Zyfe for their generous product contributions, which have made this blog review possible. I want to assure you that all the opinions expressed here are entirely my own. This post may contain affiliate links, which means I could receive a small commission, at no extra cost, if you purchase through a link. For ages, I've been on the fence about getting an automatic soap dispenser for our kitchen. The thought of touching a traditional pump soap dispenser with dirty hands always Read more [...]

KOKODI Talking Pen Interactive Audio Sound Books Review + Giveaway

This 'KOKODI Talking Pen Interactive Audio Sound Books Review + Giveaway' post is sponsored.  As always, all opinions are my own.  This post contains Amazon affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It does not cost you anything to shop through my affiliate links.  Whether on the hunt for a last minute gift or just looking for a cool kids toy idea, I'm excited to share this one with you today!  KOKODI Talking Pen Interactive Audio Sound Read more [...]

Bruno Marc Shoes Review – Practical Last Minute Gift For Men + Giveaway

Bruno Marc sent me shoes for review as part of my holiday gift guide. There are affiliate links in this post. All opinions are my own. For the first several years that I was dating my now-husband, I worried a lot about getting 'good' gifts for him. When I was young, I thought gifts were only 'good' if they were fun or exciting. Ryan very rarely wanted anything that I'd think of as fun or exciting, so I felt like I couldn't get him good gifts. Eventually I realized that what makes a 'good' gift Read more [...]
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