Thank you to Cate & Levi for providing me with an Elephant Animal Puppet, free of charge, for review. These are my own honest opinions.

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Let’s face it. Children have great imaginations. When we allow them the space, they are so creative and can have a great time inventing lots of things. I remember growing up and pretending all the time. This was back when we had very few toys that made noise, played outside for fun, and the newest gaming system was the original Nintendo. (Did I just date myself a little there?)

So when I was offered the opportunity to review a puppet, I was excited.  I love toys that spark imagination and require kids to put a little personality into their play.  I used to do daycare years ago and puppets were a huge hit with all the kids.  It was always fun seeing what show would take place next.  Puppets are a fantastic way to allow all kids to express themselves and play.  I love that puppets are so entertaining (for all ages) but that they allow kids to share their feelings and thoughts without having to just say them.  This helps even the quietest and shyest children to be able to interact with their peers.

As soon as the package arrived, our kids were tearing it open.  Our 8 year old was the first one to try the Elephant Animal Hand Puppet on.  She loved it and started an impromptu one “man” puppet show right there.  Her younger brothers were giggling like crazy.  Next, her brother got to test it out.  He was able to get some laughs too as he mimicked his sisters show.  Then our daughter took it on a tour up to her bedroom.  I was finally able to get a chance to examine the puppet after about half an hour of the kids playing with it.

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As soon as I picked the Elephant Puppet up, I could tell it was made well.  We’ve owned some cheap puppets that came in a large quantity for a small price and they started to fall apart immediately because they were so thin and cheaply made.  I was so pleased that Cate & Levi Collection had taken the steps to make such a quality puppet.  Each of Cate & Levi’s puppets are lovingly created to be unique so each child has one of a kind.  These puppets are created using reclaimed wool and are 100% eco-friendly.  The elephant puppet is the perfect size at 12 inches tall.  Our 2 year old is even able to use and play efficiently with it as well as my husband so there is a wide spread of usability.  Here are some more photos of our puppet play.

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Cate & Levi have a wide variety of puppets available to choose from.  They carry people, animal, peek-a-boo, and cotton puppets.  You can also connect with Cate & Levi on Facebook and Twitter.



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