learning resources

I have been a fan and customer of Learning Resources for years. They are a leading global manufacturer. Both teachers and parents love that their products are innovative, hands on, and educational. With products numbering over 1,100, there is definitely something to meet everyone’s needs.

LR 14    LR 13

I was sent Learning Resources new Jumbo Eyedroppers With Stand Set.  These are from their Primary Science line.  The box says geared for ages 3+ and grades PreK+, however, my 2 year old had no problems joining right in.  I love items that can be tools for hands on science experiments and the Primary Science Jumbo Eyedroppers didn’t let me down.  I really like the fact that there are six eyedroppers in this set.  Enough to go around so we didn’t have to worry about anyone feeling left out.  Group play and learning is an essential concept that I like to use in our homeschooling and while taking turns is a necessity sometimes, it is nice with this type of experimenting that everyone has their own eyedropper.  Each eyedropper is a different bright color which adds to the fun.  Colorful items help keep the kids interested and make everything exciting.  There is: Red, Purple, Green, Yellow, Blue, and Orange.

LR 6  LR 12  LR 7

We decided to learn and play with colors using our new Jumbo Eyedroppers Set.  I had the kids take glasses and put water in them.  Then I gave them food coloring and let them put one color in each cup.  We left a couple cups with plain water so they could add mixtures from the colored cups.  Warning: put down an old towel that you won’t care if it gets stained if you are going to let the kids use food coloring.  We had a great time experimenting with colors and our Jumbo Eyedroppers made it easy to mix the colors.  Our next assignment will include our Jumbo Eyedroppers and bathtub play.

LR 10  LR 4  LR 1

LR 9  LR 8  LR 2

The one thing I would like to see Learning Resources add to this set are some experiment idea cards.  While the box does say, “Great for centers or sensory tables,” I would really like to see a handful of specific ideas.  Other than that, this product is great and I have no complaints.  It’s also a great compliment to our other Science Kits we have from Learning Resources.


~Buy It:  Learning Resources makes tons of great learning products.  Be sure you head over to their site and check out their new 2013 Products.  The Jumbo Eyedroppers In A Stand Set is available for $16.99.

~Connect: You can catch the latest updates by liking Learning Resources on Facebook and following them on Twitter.

~Win It: One lucky Emily Reviews reader will win their own Primary Science Jumbo Eyedroppers Set. This giveaway is open to the US and will end on July 9, 2013.


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