Tempur777 Tempur777 Tempur777 Raw Elements USA Sunscreens Review | Emily Reviews

My family has sensitive skin. Most standard over the counter skincare products irritate our skin. Some of the ingredients can cause an itchy rash and/or cracking and bleeding sores. Because of this, we prefer to use skincare products crafted with natural ingredients. Not only are they better for us, but they also help keep our skin looking and feeling its best.

I recently discovered a company named Raw Elements USA. Their sunscreens are prepared with natural ingredients to keep your skin protected and healthy. They are safe for children, sensitive skin and reefs.

For my review, I received ECO FORMULA 30 lotion, ECO STICK and ECO TINT.


Raw Elements USA sunscreens have a natural base and organic ingredients. Their products are equipped with their Organic Eco-Shield Performance Technology. In other words, the zinc oxide provides a physical barrier to the sun’s harmful rays. These products also contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and extracts to help heal and nourish your skin.

Raw Elements USA sunscreens are water resistant and biodegradable. They also work well in a variety of activities and in all seasons.

All three of the sunscreens were easy to apply. They didn’t leave white marks, flakes or a greasy film like some sunscreens do. I also noticed that my girls never complained about the ECO FORMULA or ECO STICK running from their little foreheads into their eyes and stinging…a huge plus over some of the other products we’ve used! The ECO TINT stick has a light tint to it. It works for all skin tones. This is a great day-to-day sunscreen.


While visiting their website, I learned a lot about skincare. Raw Elements USA founder, Brian, is very knowledgeable. You can tell he is passionate about these products and wants to educate and inform his readers.

Raw Elements USA just received the title of Best Sunscreens by the Environmental Working Group.

You can connect with Raw Elements USA on facebook and twitter.




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