drawing 15

I am always surprised and impressed when I see drawings by people with talent.  The techniques are amazing and I only wish I could draw well.  While my daycare children thought I was an amazing artist of flowers, clouds, and a specific dog head that a classmate taught me how to draw back in the 6th grade, that’s about my limit without major help.  The kids and I have tried drawing pictures using books that are supposed to teach you but we’ve never had much luck with those.  Our drawings are still odd looking, stiff, and incomplete.  So when I was given the chance to work with Drawing With Mark for review, I thought we’d give it a try.

drawing 1  drawing 2

I was sent Drawing with Mark: Reach for the Stars and A Day with  the Dinosaurs DVD and Drawing with Mark: We All Scream for Ice Cream / Happy Trails DVD for review.  I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect but since Mark is a former Walt Disney illustrator, I knew he must do a good job.  I’ve been to DisneyWorld three times in my life and they definitely know how to do things right.  I have never been anywhere else in my life where every single worker is happy, cheerful, and truly does the best job possible to make sure everyone is having a great time.  Our daughter was 3 the last time we were there and a balloon-selling gentleman stood by us (we were sitting on the street waiting for the parade) for about 45 minutes trying to cheer her up.  It was our last day at the parks and we were all tired and our daughter was just kind of blue.  He did everything he could to make her smile and even gave her one of his fancy balloons before moving on down the street.  It brightened her last evening at Disney and makes us all smile as we think back on it.

The kids and I sat down to check the Drawing With Mark DVDs out.  Each DVD contains two 30 minutes episodes.  Mark does a great job keeping things interesting and flowing.  I like that he includes visits to real places and interesting facts along with drawing.  The kids really liked seeing the real puppy in the Happy Tails episode.  Mark’s voice is easy to follow and the kids loved being able to accomplish his simple directions.

drawing 14  drawing 13  drawing 11

drawing 10  drawing 9  drawing 8

drawing 7  drawing 6  drawing 5

drawing 4  drawing 3  drawing 16

Our 8 year old daughter was able to manage some pretty great pictures by following Mark and our  6 year old son had a great time too.  I plan on bringing these out throughout homeschooling this year during art time.  I want to set up a nice station in the living room (that’s where our only TV is) with a table, paper, pencils, crayons, and colored pencils and turn it into a fun class lesson that I know will be a hit with the help of Mark.

Buy It: Head over to Drawing With Mark to purchase these DVDs for yourself.

Connect: Don’t forget to like Drawing With Mark on Facebook and YouTube for all the latest news and promotions.

Win It: Drawing With Mark is generously offering two of our lucky readers one DVD each.  One winner will receive “Drawing with Mark: Reach for the Stars and A Day with  the Dinosaurs DVD” and the other winner will receive “Drawing with Mark: We All Scream for Ice Cream / Happy Trails” . The giveaway is open to US and Canada. The giveaway will end September 21st, 2013. For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!


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