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I was recently introduced to the world of “Room on the Broom” and was able to partner for this review. Room on the Broom is a great way to start Halloween without being too scary.  The story of “Room on the Broom” consists of a witch and her cat.  They begin by flying on their broomstick.  As the wind picks up, the witch loses things.  Along the way, other animals help her find her hat, bow, and wand back but would like to ride on the broom.  The story continues and the witch ends up in trouble and her new friends come to her rescue.  How will there ever be enough room on the broom for the witch, the cat, and all her new friends?  The story weaves through with rhyming words, friends, and great pictures and the story of “Room on the Broom” is sure to please.

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The Room on the Broom board book is a sturdy little book that is perfect for children. Since we still have younger children, I do prefer these types of books for the sole purpose of allowing even the babies to join in at story-time.  Our 1 year old loves to hold books and turn pages and board books allow me the freedom to hand the book over without worry.

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Stuffed animals and plush characters are always a hit in our home.  When they are a character to enhance a story, movie, or game, it’s even better.  The kids have really been enjoying the plush witch and it helps bring “Room on the Broom” into active play after the story has been finished.

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The “Room on the Broom” App is geared for kids ages 3 through 7.  This app has a variety of games built in with no in-app purchases necessary or even available.  Our 3, 6, and 8 year old have been exploring with this app for the past week now and have been having quite a bit of fun.  I like that the games encompass learning as well.  Our daughter says she loves this app and her favorite game is building pictures out of constellations.  Our boys enjoy all the games but especially the one where they get to help the cat fly and spell words.  The “Room on the Broom” games are available now from the iTunes App Store, Google Play, and Amazon.

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The last item we reviewed was the “Room on the Broom” DVD.  We had seen it as a preview on another movie and the kids had been requesting it ever since.  I was quite pleased with the graphics and the story line followed the same as the book.  The movie was captivating and all the kids enjoyed it.  They have even offered to show it to everyone who has been to our house since it has arrived.  Needless to say, we’ve been having multiple showings of Room on the Broom” in our living room.  I’m happy to report that it has been a crowd pleaser.

Buy It: Head over to Room on the Broom to see for yourself all the fun they have in store.

Connect: Don’t forget to like Room on the Broom on Facebook for all the latest news and promotions.

Win It: One of our lucky readers will win their own Room on the Broom prize pack consisting of the “Room on the Broom” Board Book and Plush. The giveaway is open to US only. The giveaway will end October 30th, 2013. For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!

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