HGGimage2013(1)Thank you World Vision
for providing me with products to review, free of charge.
These are my own honest opinions.

The Holiday season is a great time to reflect on our life and appreciate our fortune. It is also a time to think about those who are less fortunate and try and help out in any way we can. There are many ways to help locally (food bank, giving toys and clothes to charity, etc.) It is a bit more tricky to find ways to help people in developing countries. Fortunately, World Vision is involved in more than 100 countries to make the life of millions of people a little easier, safer, healthier, etc.

world vision logo

Each year, World Vision has a great Holiday catalog from which to choose items that will have a lasting impact on those you receive it. For example, you could choose a goat, chickens, ducks, etc. You could also offer clean water, clothing and shelter, education, etc. These gifts are really concrete and you know exactly how your money will be used.

There is also a section on handmade items called Artisan Gifts. Basically, people are taught the skills necessary to create beautiful items such as jewelry, scarves, etc. These items are sold here and the money is used to support the people who made the product as well as other similar projects. With a stable income, these people can have access to food, shelter, healthcare, and education.

world vision ornaments

For the purpose of this review, I received a beautiful set of 3 ornaments. They are made by artisans in Kenya from recycled materials (wire and glass beads). There is a giraffe, an elephant, and a water buffalo ranging between 2.5 to 4” tall. The first thing that struck me when I saw them was how intricate they are. They are really beautifully made and full of colors thanks to the hundreds of glass beads on each one of them.

world vision elephantThey look great in my tree and I took extra care to place them in spots where everyone could see them. Imagine having people comment on your ornaments and you being able to explain to them that they are handmade in Kenya and through your purchase, people have access to food, shelter, etc. Or even better, give them to someone and tell them that you made a donation on their behalf so people could better their life. Isn’t that amazing?

Buy It: Head over to World Vision to see for yourself the selection of handmade gifts. It would be a great idea to make a donation on behalf of someone you love. There are also many other ways to help by donating money for food, clothing, medical supplies, etc.

Connect: Don’t forget to like World Vision on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and subscribe to their YouTube channel for all the latest news and promotions.




disclaimer rachel


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