Thank you to Tidy Tots for providing me samples, free of charge, for review.  All opinions are my own.



Cloth diapering was a very scary concept to me.  So scary, that it took till baby number four for me to finally jump all in and really give it a go.  When child number three was young, I only made it through one diaper change before giving up!  However, I can confidently say that we have been successfully cloth diapering since January of this year and have truly been enjoying it.

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Myth Busters/ Scares About Cloth Diapering

cloth diapering myths

1:)  The Poop:  I was emphatic that I would not be touching or scraping poop.  As a matter of fact, when we potty trained our first child around her 2nd birthday, I was the one to throw her underwear away when an accident occurred.  My husband would be the one to step in and actually clean them.  I can reassure you that you do NOT have to touch the poop.  I have become a huge fan of the disposable liners (or Flushies is what Tidy Tots calls them) as they allow me to dump the liner into the diaper pail without worry.  The small footprint that these liners have on the Earth is so minimal compared to the approximately 6,000 disposables an average child would go through before training.

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2:)  Cloth Diapers Are So Expensive:  The initial price of cloth diapers did throw me for a twist when I first started researching them.  The biggest thing that scared me was the thought of spending all that money to “test the waters” and see if I even liked cloth.  However, when I considered the fact that I was spending about $80 a month on disposable diapers, I realized it would only be a short time before my investment paid for itself.  I have come to realize that you do not need a ton of diapers.  We have been cloth diapering with less than 12.  Tidy Tots One-Size diapers are made to fit most children in the 10# to 40# weight category.  The velcro closure allows you to custom fit to the child’s size.  When I first started, we were rotating through only 4 cloth diapers!  Keep in mind that if cloth diapers are taken well care of, they have a fairly good resale value.

3:)  More Laundry:  Nobody wants to add to the laundry pile.  However, cloth diapers doesn’t even feel like laundry.  There is no folding, hanging, or putting into drawers and closets.  My routine consists of tossing the wet (I leave the Flushies in) or dirty (minus the Flushies/disposable liner) into a scrub pail.  I do NOT un-stuff the boosters as they wash themselves apart in the wash machine.  Once a day, I toss the diaper load into the washer, add the typical amount of detergent, and wash.  When done, I lay the covers on the counter top and toss the inserts into the dryer and dry on normal.  After the load is completely done, I do take about 3 to 5 minutes and stuff and line my diapers and place them back on my changing table so they are ready to go.  Easy peasy.  Seriously!

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4:)  Stripping Diapers & Smells:  Certain brands of diapers seem to need to be “stripped.”  This is not the case with Tidy Tots though.  They are made from Hemp which is naturally anti-microbial.  However, I started cloth diapering with another brand and even though the diapers smelled clean after washing, they would start to stink like urine about 30 minutes after putting on.  I was able to easily solve that problem by washing them on the Sanitize cycle.

5:)  Diaper Cream Use:  While most cloth diapers are not compatible with diaper creams/ointments, the Flushies allow usage safely without damage to the diaper.  Plus, Flushies are made from corn starch which is also known to be a natural diaper rash remedy.

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Keep an eye out for my next post which will describe the features of the Made In The USA Tidy Tots Diapers in more detail!  From the patented design, superior materials, quality workmanship, and custom ability, Tidy Tots Diapers pack a big punch for a trim slim fitting diaper!

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Buy It: Head over to Tidy Tots Diapers to learn more about what they offer. Be sure to use the coupon code “2cute” at check out to receive 20% off your order through March 19th.

Connect: Don’t forget to like Tidy Tots Diapers on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and Pinterest, and subscribe to their YouTube Channel for all the latest news and promotions.

Win It: Tidy Tots Diapers is generously offering one of our lucky readers their Tidy Tots Essentials Set valued at $99.95. The giveaway is open to US and will end May 2nd, 2014. For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!

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