This is a sponsored review. All opinions are my own.
Ryan started smoking when he was about 21. While I don’t like that he smokes, I am thankful that smoking (and smokers) have changed a lot in the last 20 years. When I was little, the smokers who I knew all smoked inside their homes. This included my dad, so when we would come back to my mom’s house all of our belongings that we had taken to my dad’s smelled like smoke. I knew so many adults who were oblivious to the fact that their smoke was surrounding me and some wouldn’t even bother to try to blow the smoke in the opposite direction from me and the other kids around. It seems absolutely crazy now, I can’t imagine anyone smoking in a child’s face now. While I still know several smokers, none of them smoke inside of their house and all of them are very aware of avoiding children while doing so.
I’ve also seen a lot of smokers evolve away from traditional tobacco cigarettes into electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes. Instead of burning tobacco, e-cigarettes create a nicotine vapor that is inhaled. Some claim that e-cigarettes are way healthier than traditional cigarettes – some even say they have stopped smoking when they make the switch. Others argue that they are still not healthy for the inhaler. Traditional cigarettes have around 4,000 chemicals. The Vapourlites e-cigarette has five ingredients listed on the box. Propylene Glycol, Glycerol, Water, Vapourlites Flavours, and Nicotine. I don’t claim to know how they compare for the smoker in terms of whether or not they are truly healthier or not. What I do know is that e-cigarettes are less irritating for me, as a non-smoker to be around. When I have accidentally inhaled the vapor from Ryan’s Vapourlites e-cigarette, it doesn’t stink or burn at all. I can see the vapor but if I couldn’t see it, I would have no idea it was there. It has no odor, and it doesn’t irritate my eyes or lungs like smoke does. I prefer being around an e-cigarette user easily 20 times over being next to someone smoking a traditional cigarette. When it’s raining, Ryan will sometimes stand on our enclosed porch with his e-cig instead of going out into the rain and I don’t mind because when he’s done, there isn’t any remaining smell left behind. It allows him to “smoke” in the car without rolling down the window, without my eyes or lungs burning or leaving our vehicle smelling bad.
Ryan has tried a few brands of e-cigarettes and some were very “weak” feeling to him, which left him craving traditional cigarettes. Ryan has yet to find an e-cigarette that completely takes away the urge to smoke, he found Vapourlites to be moderately “strong” feeling. He has tried other brands that were much weaker, and he found these to be above average out of the 5-6 types of e-cigs that he has tried. The Vapourlites did a pretty decent job of keeping the cravings away. Here in Michigan they outlawed smoking in bars and restaurants a couple of years ago but e-cigs can still be used because they don’t give off second hand smoke.
Vapourlites makes disposable e-cigarettes, such as the Vl-Micro like we were sent for review. It’s shorter than a traditional cigarette or e-cigarette and is just a single piece. It’s not rechargeable, and it lasts for approximately 15-20 regular cigarettes (close to a regular pack). These are a great option for those who aren’t very good at keeping track of the small pieces of an e-cig, who forget to recharge it or who are just looking for an affordable way to ‘test drive’ an e-cig without a full commitment.
You can purchase Vapourlites online at Vapourlites.com.
Hi there! I am Emily Evert, the owner of Emily Reviews. I am 28 and live in a small town in Michigan with my boyfriend Ryan and our two pugs. I have a large family and I adore my nieces and nephews. I love reading memoirs, and learning about child development and psychology. I love watching The Game of Thrones, Teen Mom, Sister Wives and Veep. I like listening to Jason Isbell, John Prine, and other alt-country or Americana music. I created Emily Reviews as a creative outlet to share my life and the products that I love with others.
This post currently has 6 responses.
Thankfully we do not smoke and neither does anyone else that is close to us, I suppose it’s a better alternative than smoking for the smoker and those around them.
This is a great option for people who are trying to quit smoking. thanks for sharing.
I too remember what it was like when more people smoked inside… ugh that was horrible! These are a great idea to help with the cravings.
I think these are a great way for people to quit smoking. Unfortunately my 16 yr old now seems to think these are ‘cool’ and I can see the potential for these to increase a teens chances to smoke.
If one was to think of a few years back, the e cig market was certainly a lot different than how it is right now, there were e cigarette brands but there were just a few.
This would be wonderful for my parents, I will have to tell them about this alternative.