*I was provided with Fairy Tales Hair care products to test out. All opinions are my own.
My sister Erica & I both had medium-brown hair as babies that turned darker as we grew older. We both stayed pretty bald until about age 2 but we had fairly straight hair as soon as we had hair. So I guess I always imagined that we would both have dark, straight-haired kids someday.
When Erica’s son Drew had straight blonde hair as a baby it was a little surprise but made sense because I knew that his dad had blonde hair as a child. When we found out that Erica’s next baby would be a girl I immediately wondered if she would be bald for the first couple of years like we were, and whether she would be blonde like Drew or have dark hair like Erica & I did as a child.
It never crossed my mind that she might have curly hair because I had no idea that the kids’ dad has curly hair because he keeps it too short for it to begin curling.
Kelsie didn’t have much hair until she was about 9 months old but when she got hair it started to curl! It was an adorable surprise. I then wondered if it would stay curly or if it would straighten out once it got a bit longer and heavier. As it grew, it began to get really messy after she would sleep.
Kelsie is now 19 months old and in the past four months or so her hair has really been growing quickly and despite being fairly long when wet, her hair has continued to curl. The sides of her hair are adorable but the back can be really unruly – not just after sleeping but all the time.
She has fine ‘baby’ hair over the majority of her head. Even when dressed very reasonably for the temperature, her head tends to sweat while she’s asleep so she usually wakes up with hair that is sticking out in multiple directions. Here is her morning hair:
The upper half of the back of her hair felt really coarse compared to the rest of her hair and would stand straight up or straight out. About a month ago I went to the store with Kelsie and we brushed her hair 3 times between leaving the house and getting to the store and by the time we got inside it looked like she hadn’t had it brushed at all. Pics of Kelsie’s day-time hair after being brushed:
Notice the upper back part sticks straight up in a big “ball” – the left picture is just minutes after being re-brushed for the day. In less than an hour it would go back to looking more like the picture on the right.
Kelsie has a few allergies so my sister was worried about trying hair care products that may irritate Kelsie’s scalp or skin but she wanted something to make Kelsie’s hair more manageable.
The ideal situation would be to avoid a thick product that weighed down her hair but to get her hair tow here it would lay better and only need to be brushed a couple of times a day to look put-together. No toddler wants to have their hair brushed dozens of times a day.
We decided to give the new Tangle Tamers line from Fairy Tales Haircare a try. Fair Tales makes several haircare lines for children that use natural ingredients. The tangle tamers line is designed for kids with fine hair that tangles easily and/or curly hair that tangles. I went my sister home with the line to try on Kelsie. Here are the texts that I got over the next few days (with the pic she sent me via full size on the right)
The Tangle Tamers line works wonders on Kelsie’s hair. Prior to trying Fairy Tales Hair care products, I really thought that the hair on the upper half of the back of her head was a thicker texture than the rest of her hair. It felt so coarse compared to the rest of her hair. After using Tangle Tamers, that area of her head is silky smooth just like the rest of her hair.
It now lays down smoothly after being brushed or combed and will stay that way for a few hours. It doesn’t even need to be washed daily anymore. I had read that curly hair shouldn’t be washed daily because it can be more prone to being dry and breaking off but with her old hair care products her hair would be a complete mess the next day so it was impossible to skip a day.
Now Kelsie’s hair gets washed with the Super Charge Detangling shampoo & conditioner every other day. On the ‘off’ days my sister sprays her hair down with the Static-Free detangling spray and combs and it looks great. The spray can be used on dry or damp hair and seems to work great on Kelsie when used either way.
Kelsie hasn’t had any negative reactions to the Tangle Tamers line of Fairy Tales hair products. This is no surprise because they use natural ingredients like aloe and jojoba oil. Plus, they are free from soy, gluten, dairy and nut oil.
It retails for about $9-$10 a bottle which is a bit more than my family would usually spend on a hair care product but it has truly transformed Kelsie’s hair and is well worth paying a bit more for in my opinion.
It’s available at some Salons as well as the Fairy Tales Hair care website, and Amazon. I love how it hasn’t weighted her hair down into being straight. Her curls are still light and “bouncy” like before but now her hair is silky smooth instead of coarse and it doesn’t tangle anymore. We’ve definitely found the perfect hair care line for Kelsie’s curly locks.
Do you have a curly-haired little one? What advice do you have for managing it?
Hi there! I am Emily Evert, the owner of Emily Reviews. I am 28 and live in a small town in Michigan with my boyfriend Ryan and our two pugs. I have a large family and I adore my nieces and nephews. I love reading memoirs, and learning about child development and psychology. I love watching The Game of Thrones, Teen Mom, Sister Wives and Veep. I like listening to Jason Isbell, John Prine, and other alt-country or Americana music. I created Emily Reviews as a creative outlet to share my life and the products that I love with others.
This post currently has 18 responses.
Thanks for the amazing review Emily! Kelsie’s hair looks amazing! We should use her in a commercial!! Thanks again! Fairy Tales Hair Care
Is the shampoo tear-free? I can’t control my wiggly 18-month-old enough to ensure it doesn’t get in her eyes! 🙂
Is the shampoo tear-free? I can’t control my wiggly 18-month-old enough to ensure it doesn’t get in her eyes! 🙂
I see this is still over $10 on Amazon, but other products like this are even more expensive. I wonder why since adult hair detangler isn’t that expensive. I hate it when kid’s cray when you’re trying to get the hair tangles out so perhaps the peace and quiet is worth it!
I LOVE FAIRYTALE PRODUCTS!. MY DAUGHTER HAS CURLY Hair and fairytale is only thing I can use!.
I have to get some for my granddaughter. Her hair is always tangled and it is always a fight. It would so wonderful if fiarytale helped us out!
My niece had really curly hair as a baby and they just didn’t brush it at all! Now they take the time to brush it with a special brush and some kind of spray. I’ll recommend Fairy Tales to my brother!
My granddaughter has such curly unruly hair. One moment after it is brushed and she looks like a bed head again. I’m going to tell my daughter about Fairy Tales.
Awwwwwwhat a cutie. My daughters had very fine curly hair that matted up where they slept. I wish I had this formula for them.
How wonderful. Alysia has straight hair, but it gets tangled and oh the tears! We need this.
So I am considering this for my middle son who is 3 1/2 and has a head full of curls. His hair is kind of thin with really loose curls in the front and on the top but the back is thick with tight curls and gets really bad. I like the idea of the detangling spray you are referring to but in looking at the line, why the super charge over the curly-q line for shampoo and conditioner? Has your sister tried the curly-q?
Wow, great baby hair products! My niece had very curly hair and they NEVER brushed it! I wish I’d know about Fairy Tale products back then. Now that she’s older, it is more manageable.
What does this smell like?
Just wondering the exact product your sister used on your niece? They have different shampoos and sprays and this is something that I could definitely use on my 2 year old daughter who got her curly hair honestly!
Great review! This company has a terrific line of lice prevention sprays too. I use it everyday on my kids and through many school outbreaks, they have never caught a thing!