Thank you to Regnery Kids Publishing for providing me with product, free of charge, for review. All opinions are my own.
We absolutely love books in our home. Just today, after breakfast, our 2 year old brought a couple books to my husband to read to him. After my husband finished, our son proceeded to bring me a pile of books so I could read to him too! This is an every day occurrence as all of our children really enjoy being read to. While we strive to do a family bedtime routine that includes books, it is not unusual to find our kids looking at books, reading to one another, or us reading to them throughout the day. So when Regnery Kids offered us a variety of their books for review, everyone was thrilled.
Pick up a copy of “Freddy The Frogcaster and the Big Blizzard” to get into the Winter mood. Join Freddy as he tries to spread the news of the big snow storm that is coming. Will Freddy’s blizzard kits save the day for Freddy’s family and Polly? Since we live in Minnesota where we can get a lot of snow, the kids loved this story.
Heartwarming Christmas stories always make great gifts and “The Night Santa Got Los How NORAD Saved Christmas” is no exception. This rhyming story shares how a blizzard threw Santa and the reindeer off track and stranded them in snow. NORAD’s Headquarters came to the rescue by sending help but there is still lots of work to be done. Find out how the military leaps into action to serve others and give everyone a Merry Christmas.
I grew up watching the Charlie Brown specials every holiday. So I was excited about the three Charlie Brown books offered by Regnery Kids: “Where Did You Go, Charlie Brown?”, “What’s The Big Idea, Charlie Brown?”, and “Who Cares, Charlie Brown?”. The Peanuts Gang is always embarking on new adventures and these three books focus on what makes America strong by focusing on inventors, heroes, and explorers. Join Charlie Brown and Gang as you read these brand new stories.
“Awesome Possum Family Band” is a fun new book about Possum Number Nine’s quest to discover his unique talent. Follow along while he struggles to find his niche and succeeds with encouragement from his family.
Join Ellis on the quest to learn about courageous pioneers. Learn about the early years of America including George Washington, Louisiana Purchase, Lewis & Clark expedition, and more. Head West with Ellis to make friends with a village of Mandans, build dug-out canoes, and even ride a steamboat.
Enjoy the flowing rhymes throughout this book, “The Best Part Of The Day”, while considering all there is to be grateful for. Throughout the year and all the seasons, there are many daily blessings in which to give thanks for. Read “The Best Part Of The Day” to help spread the seed of gratitude.
Books make a fabulous gift that can be read over and over again and enjoyed for years to come. Head over to Regnery to find some great ideas for gifts this year.
Buy It: Head over to Regnery Publishing to see for yourself the great selection of books they offer.
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I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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