Fiber One Cheesecake bars

*I was sent Fiber One samples in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

The last couple of months my household has been working on counting calories. We’ve found that a key to sticking to a low calorie diet is to eat foods that leave us feeling fuller, longer so we aren’t hungry all the time. I learned that high fiber foods keep you fuller longer, so we have been working on incorporating high fiber foods into our diet.

The entire Fiber One brand of foods features foods and snacks that are high in fiber, so we’ve started purchasing a few Fiber One products. We’ve tried four or five different items from the Fiber One brand, and have been really pleased with the flavor of everything we’ve tried.

Fiber One cheesecake snack bars

Fiber One just came out with two cheesecake bars in salted caramel and strawberry variations. Each bar is 150 calories, has 5 grams of fiber and 20% of your daily fiber requirement. I don’t care for cheesecake, so I left Ryan to trying these and he has enjoyed them both. His favorite is the salted caramel cheesecake bars, but he really likes both. The inside flavoring (caramel or strawberry) is more overpowering than the cheesecake flavor, but both are definitely present. He liked both enough to feel like both are tasty treats, yet they are low enough in calories and high enough in benefits such as fiber that it’s an indulgence that we don’t have to feel guilty about.

Fiber One cheesecake Bars

The bars are fairly small but they are more filling than they appear. We will continue to buy these as a convenient snack option, especially when we are driving or out and about.

Do you pay attention to the fiber content of your foods? How do you make sure you get enough fiber?




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