Friendship, cooperation, and kindness are important characteristics we’ve always tried to instill in our children. Now more than ever, it’s important for our family to focus on good character traits as we just welcomed three foster daughters into our home a couple weeks ago. While we don’t know how long they will be with us, throwing an additional 8, 4, and 4 month old into the crazy mix of five kiddos (ages 2-11) that we already had is definitely challenging but also rewarding and fun. There is one company that has always offered amazing cooperation games as well as learning products and fun items. So with our crazy new adventure under way, I turned to Peaceable Kingdom for some help and they sent me some great new releases for this review.
Friends and Neighbors ~ The Helping Game
While we weren’t entirely sure what to expect when welcoming foster children, many of the things we’ve experienced is to be expected when kids have been pulled from an unfit home, yet the only home they’ve ever known. They are experiencing so many emotions that young children just shouldn’t have to go through. It’s a scary time for them. Their world has been turned upside down and they are worried, scared, feeling insecure, uncertain about what each day may hold, and struggling with feelings of enjoying their new surroundings but knowing that their parents aren’t there with them. All of this can be very difficult to vocalize and understand for them.
So when I saw this new Friends and Neighbors ~ The Helping Game, I was excited to bring it home and utilize it with all of our (foster and biological) children. This cooperative social emotional game helps children to develop empathy and compassion through play. Kids learn to recognize and name different emotions as they work with their friends and neighbors to match tokens with someone in need.
This fun twist to a matching game is a great way encourage children to be on the lookout for others. They work on recognizing feelings in others, which in turn, helps them to develop a better understanding of their own too. Included with the game are 14 game tokens that the kids take turns grabbing out.
But when no match is made, the kids have to place a token onto the stop sign. If the stop sign is filled before the kids have helped all of their neighbors and friends, the game is over.
But if they get all the matches complete, they win! I love that feelings and kindness recognition are rolled into a fun cooperative game where players are working together. Geared for ages 3 and up, each game only takes about 10 minutes for play.
Final Thoughts: Another great product, yet again, from an amazing company. Our family loves Peaceable Kingdom and all that they offer and the Friends and Neighbors game is another fun addition.
**Be sure to be on the lookout for post #2 coming soon with more great product features from Peaceable Kingdom!
Buy It: Head over to Peaceable Kingdom to see for yourself the great selection of products they offer.
Connect: Don’t forget to like Peaceable Kingdom on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and Pinterest, and subscribe to their You Tube Channel for all the latest news and promotions.
Win It: Peaceable Kingdom is generously offering one of our lucky readers their very own Game! The winner may choose from any in-stock Peaceable Kingdom Game. This giveaway is open to the US only and will end September 24th, 2016. For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!
Entry Form
I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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This post currently has 5 responses.
This is the coolest game idea I’ve seen in some time!
What a great concept for a game! My 3yo loves matching so I think he would love it and I love how this game helps kids recognize and name different emotions!
What an awesome game and great teaching moments it presents. I’m sure your foster kids will fit right in with the rest of the family in no time. It has to be challenging to get used to new situations like that for everyone involved. Great role modeling for other families who are able to foster needy kids as well.
This is a great game, I know my Granddaughter will love it. Thanks for your review.
I really like the Dinosaur Escape game! It looks like a game my kids would love!