I was sent Bloxels product in exchange for inclusion in my gift guide. All opinions are my own.
I have several kids in my life who enjoy the video game Minecraft. It’s a game that involves creating your own little world inside of a video game, as well as regular came play such as combat, resource gathering and building. One of the reasons why it’s such an interesting and engaging game is because it is open ended and allows so much room for creativity.
When I came across Bloxels, I thought it would appeal to the kids in my life who love Minecraft. Bloxels is an app game that is all about creativity. We were sent a demo starter kit to test out. My boyfriend grew up with video games and still has that interest in his core. He loves sharing Minecraft with our nieces and nephews who enjoy it now, for example. So he was willing to play around with the demo kit to show me how it works a little bit. It comes with a grid and several plastic cubes in various colors. You arrange the cubes within the grid to create your video game. For example, this is the character that Ryan created using the grid. From there he used a function within the app that uses the camera to “read” the grid he created and turn his character into a character within the app! You can do this to create scenes, or pieces of scenes for game levels as well.
Once he had a character Ryan was able to begin some levels that were almost entirely completed, but that had pieces missing. For example you may have to complete a bridge where there is not one. In a sense, the game begins by slowly introducing you to making small pieces of the “world” to warm you up to making levels. You don’t have to make a full level from scratch to get playing which makes it much less overwhelming.
In addition to being able to create the look of your own level, you can also add in power-ups such as adding coins, hazards and exploding blocks.
Bloxels are aimed at kids ages 8-12 but can be enjoyed by kids who are younger who are passionate about creating or playing video games. I suspect that it will also interest people who are much older. Ryan is 30 and he found the set pretty neat! He said thatĀ if it had been around when he was a kid or even a teenager that he could imagine getting super interested.
I can see the block set being great for kids who like to visualize things “in the real world”. However, the app does a function that allows you to create within the app, as well. It basically is an app-version of the grid so you just select the color of block you want and drag your finger across the spaces where you want to fill in.
Bloxels offers theirĀ video game builder set for $49.95. Order by 12/15 to arrive before Christmas with standard shipping. Or Order by 12/22 with overnight shipping for delivery before Christmas.
Hi there! I am Emily Evert, the owner of Emily Reviews. I am 28 and live in a small town in Michigan with my boyfriend Ryan and our two pugs. I have a large family and I adore my nieces and nephews. I love reading memoirs, and learning about child development and psychology. I love watching The Game of Thrones, Teen Mom, Sister Wives and Veep. I like listening to Jason Isbell, John Prine, and other alt-country or Americana music. I created Emily Reviews as a creative outlet to share my life and the products that I love with others.
This post currently has 11 responses.
What a great gift idea for kids. I love gifts that are fun but educational or make kids think!
This is really different and would work for those kids looking for a challenge. Kids do love their video games.
This i8s such a great idea for the kids. I thank you for this most excellent review. I will be able to use this great information for helping out with my family this holiday season.
holy jeez that is cool! too much for me to try to figure out but definitely great for teens these days
This looks like something my kidlet would enjoy!
I know my nephew would really have a lot of fun with this!
I have not played Minecraft but I like anything that will promote creativity while they are on the games. Thank you for the review.
This is really cool! Both my kids will play Minecraft and my daughter is taking an online class about video games for her gifted & talented program.
How different! I think my kids would enjoy this.
I think this is pretty neat! I love the bright colors, and how easy it looks to play with. I can see how it would appeal to the Minecraft players. I like the creative play of this.
great gift idea for a sometimes difficult age to buy for!