There are a few mysteries in life that have taken me some time to figure out. Then, there are others that I’ll probably never learn. However, I’ve solved the great mystery of “WHERE DO ALL THE SOCKS GO!?!” Seriously! For years, I’ve kept a sock basket for those pesky single socks that have seemed to forever lost their mate. I just couldn’t figure out why it would get fuller and fuller and the loners seemed destined to single-hood forever. Then, the inevitable happened. Our front loader gave an error code and we ended up having the repair man out. Guess what?!? He found some of our missing laundry stuck in the hose (or pipe of some sort?)! Who knew that all those jokes about the washer and dryer eating them were actually true. So when I heard that Related Garments, the original matching undergarment company, now offers an on-going promotion that includes their new garment washable travel bag, I was super excited to bring them back again this year for our 2016 Holiday Gift Guide.
Sending a big thank you to Related Garments for sending this awesome package to review!
Related Garments new Garment Washable Bag is included in The Weekday and up packages but can also be purchased separately on their website as well. The bag alone is a great stocking stuffer gift option or an entire package is perfect for wrapping up under the tree. Not only does this handy and awesome bag help men keep their undergarments together, it makes life easier for their wives too! No more sorting through the entire load of laundry to locate those matches. Everything can be zipped right into the handy Garment Bag, thrown into the hamper, and transferred directly to the washer and dryer. Pull it out and tada! All his socks and underwear are all still accounted for!
The other brand new announcement from Related Garments is that they are now offering a subscription service! Men can upgrade their drawers and dress (and undress) to impress by getting a monthly shipment delivered right to their door. Get two pairs of boxer briefs, two sets of long socks, and two sets of no-show socks in each package and you’ll be styling and confident in no time!
I have to say that before I found Related Garments, my husbands unmentionable drawer was in dire need of a makeover. There were more holes in there than in Swiss cheese and his underwear and socks were anything but desirable. Thankfully, that is no longer the case. While he was doubtful and gave me an questioning glance when I handed over his first Related Garments package a year ago, I could see his confidence build and love watching him actually match his socks, underwear, and clothes now! Plus, I love the way they look on him too — absolutely A*M*A*Z*I*N*G!
Buy It: Head over to Related Garments to see for yourself the great selection of products and styles they offer.
Discount: Head over here for your 25% OFF! discount.
Connect: Don’t forget to like Related Garments on Facebook and follow them on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest for all the latest news and promotions.
I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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This post currently has 6 responses.
This is a really good idea. I have a section of lost mates. I have never found any in the pipes of the washer and dryer though.
I love love love their underwear and matching socks!! Seriously so attractive on a man!! Love the laundry bag idea too!! Way easier than my mil’s idea of pinning them together all the time!
I put my things in a washable bag, I don’t see why my husband wouldn’t mind, too. This one looks like a bag meant for a man, too, not like my flowery washing bags.
The bag is a great idea, especially when you use a “community” washer and dryer in an apartment. I love how the matching headache is solved for the guys with Related Garments.
These are nice , I wish I had thought of this, I know often I am always looking for something to wash my hubbies items seperate from other items. Like that they have different sizes and they do make a great stocking stuffer.
Hubby was luck enough tto have won a package like this, and I have too say they do look amazing! They also hold up very well. In his words, they feel good on, and arent uncomfortable. High praise from a man! I really like this company,, and this garment bag would keep things together.