Our boys love baseball. This past summer was the first time we signed them up for the local team and at the ages of 5 (almost 6) and 9, they absolutely fell in love with the game. While we have plenty of work ahead of us since we started later than many do, the joy the boys have from playing has been so awesome to see. So I was thrilled to partner with Swerve Ball when they reached out as I think this will be a great addition to our practice next Summer. Not to mention, I’m hoping it will strike some interest for our daughter as well!
Swerve Ball is designed to help anyone throw like a pro! Twice the curves and twice the fun as the specially designed unique geometric shape is made to curve, slide, and move in ways that you may have never been able to throw before.
The ball is designed with special marks to show pitchers where to place their fingers to throw six different professional pitches including a jaw dropping curve ball, mind blowing sinker, and even back door sliders.
Both the Swerve Bat and Ball are lightweight which makes it easier for even the youngest of ball fans to play. The sweet spot bat sleeve is bright orange making it easy for batters to know where to aim for that big hit.
While my boys were sad that they were unable to head to and give their Swerve Ball a try right now — we’re having negative temps and winter weather advisories, not to mention several inches of snow on the ground, — I know they’ll be out there the first chance they get with a thaw!
Buy It: Head over to Swerve Ball to learn more about what they all offer.
Connect: Don’t forget to like Swerve Ball on Facebook for all the latest news and promotions.
I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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This post currently has 22 responses.
My nephews would love the Swerve Ball! Thanks for a great review! I’d never heard of this product before!
I’ve never heard of this before, but it looks like something my children would really enjoy playing!
What a great idea for teaching them to throw. I bet my nephew would love to get that for Christmas. I will tell his Mom. Thank you for the review.
I’m a horrible thrower, could have used something like this when I was a kid maybe my aim wouldn’t be so bad!
Sounds like real fun. Would love to pitch like a pro.
not sure who’d have more fun, the kids or me!
Now this sounds awesome! I like how it shows the ‘sweet spot’ on the bat. I am really impressed it shows how to hold the ball for different pitches. That is something that takes so much practice to get it right. This will give them a huge jump start when ball season starts. I hope they have tons of fun when it warms up!
How fun!! What a great way to throw better and hit better!! Definitely makes it a little more challenging for the batter lol!!
My nieces and nephews would have so much fun with this. It would actually, I hope, get them moving more.
This looks like it would be a lot of fun! (Once the weather improves!)
How fun!! My son would absolutely love this swerve ball and bat! 🙂 I love that it’s easier than the traditional ball and bat and the orange sleeve makes it really easy to see where to throw/hit. I know what he’s getting for his Birthday next year now, thanks for sharing!
My almost 13 yr old niece plays softball. She’s a pitcher and a very good one. This would be fun for my younger niece to play with her friends.
Merry Christmas ?? -
Very strange ball. Could make for interesting times.
This is a fun concept. Cool for a summer party.
This looks like a lot of fun! It would be a great gift!
This would make a great Easter gift for my godson. We have snow/ice now so it would just sit in a closet but by Easter he could start using it outdoors.
My nephews would Love this. And, they have birthdays coming up.
A great, fun way to get them outside and active and to disconnect!
Thanks -
This will be bonus for my little one who could get some confidence if she use this one. On my list for Easter. Thank you!
Holy Cow! This is great! I never seen anything like it before. My boys are really going to love this. This is a must get item right away. Thanks for letting us all know about it. God Bless!
This is SOO cool! My niece plays softball and I would love to give this to her for her birthday. I love that the ball shows you where to place your fingers.
The swerve ball is pretty neat. My son did baseball for a few years. I think he got bored with it I think he likes playing with the neighborhood kids rather than total strangers on a team. He gets bored easily sitting out in the outfield ha ha. This is pretty neat though. I wouldn’t mind buying him this and playing with the kids.
What great fun, I know certain little girl (aged 8) who would LOVeto play this!