I’m just going to put this out there right away… I love flowers. Whether for a special occasion or if my husband surprises me “just because”, I enjoy having a fresh bouquet of pretty flowers in my home. Not only do I love the colors and look, the smell of fresh flowers is appealing too. Teleflora has some great choices in their NEW Mother’s Day 2017 bouquets line up that I wanted to share with you today.
Sending a big thank you to Teleflora for these gorgeous flowers!
Teleflora combines the time-honored tradition of sending flowers along with the technology filled world of today through their advanced florist network of over 13,000 member florists throughout the US and Canada and another 20,000 located outside of North America! Simply place an order on their Teleflora website and know that a beautiful bouquet will be hand-arranged by a local florist who will utilize the best and freshest flowers available in your area that match your request. No pre-packaged flowers or boxes here, as the Teleflora florists work quickly and professionally to ensure arrangements are artistically arranged locally. Plus, Teleflora guarantees satisfaction with every gift order! Now, on to some of the Mother’s Day 2017 line up:
Sparkle & Shine Bouquet
Bold Elegance Bouquet
Artisanal Beauty Bouquet
Splendid Garden Bouquet
My local florist delivered their personal style and spin of the Teleflora Bold Elegance Bouquet right to my front door this week. Since Teleflora wants to offer each recipient the best and freshest arrangement possible, my local florist utilized a softer pink theme. The bouquet I received is the Premium Bold Elegance and the arrangement is quite big. The flowers look great and smell absolutely amazing too!
Do you have a special mom in your life who would love some flowers for Mother’s Day?
Buy It: Head over to Teleflora to see for yourself the great selection of bouquets and gift options that they offer.
Connect: Don’t forget to like Teleflora on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, and subscribe to their You Tube Channel for all the latest news and promotions.
Win It: Teleflora is generously offering one of our lucky readers $75 plus free delivery to use on their website (by the expiration date)! This giveaway is open to the US and Canada and will end May 9th, 2017. For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!
Entry Form
I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
Follow Miranda on Pinterest | Twitter| Blog | Instagram
This post currently has 21 responses.
I like enchanted cottage
I like the Bold Elegance Bouquet
I love the Spring Sonata bouquet.
I really love the Mother’s Day Flowers. Would choose Country Basket Blooms. So pretty.
I like the Sparkle and Shine bouquet.
I love the Fashionista Blooms bouquet!
I love the Spring Romance Bouquet.
My mom adores flowers, but she prefers a plant she can put in the house or outside in
I really like the Teleflora’s Shimmer Of Thanks Bouquet
I’d love to send my friend the Teleflora’s Brilliant Butterflies Bouquet.
Thanks for the contest. -
I love the Spring favourites one. It’s so pretty.
The Artisanal Beauty Bouquet is my favorite. All of the arrangements are stunning. I really enjoy receiving and giving fresh cut flowers.
Love the Sparkle & shine bouquet 🙂
I like the Teleflora’s In Love With Lime Bouquet
I would love to have fresh flowers in my home every day. My daughter is graduating high school in May, and it would be wonderful to have fresh flowers in the home to celebrate that. Stargazer lilies are my favorite.
They also have a nice selection of plants. Love my plants.
love the pretty flowers. my mom would love these
wow-bold elegance bonquet
The fashionista blooms
My mothers 93rd birthday and Mothers day is just around the corner. She loves to receive flowers this is great place to get them.
I love Teleflora’s bouquets.They are so cheery and bright!!