Sending a big thank you to Camp Lebanon for welcoming our family to a fun-filled weekend at Camp!
If I’m completely honest, much of my daily life ends up revolving around food. Perhaps it’s because I’m the main cook in the house but I have to say that I was a bit worried about how we’d fair at camp. We have one particular child who is the pickiest person I’ve ever met in my life and would literally live off croutons and Cheerios if we’d let him. So leading up camp, this had me a bit stressed out in the food department.
During Camp Lebanon‘s Family Camp, we were fed three full meals a day for whole days and on the day of leaving, a mid-morning brunch since camp was officially over at about 10 am. The first morning, I was so hungry and the food looked so good that I actually forgot to take pictures! But I did finally remember to get a few shots of one of our breakfasts. Some of the highlights from Family Camp breakfasts were: hot oatmeal with toppings, cold cereal choices, toast, bagels, scrambled eggs, french toast bake, egg bake, french toast sticks, fresh fruit, sausages, and muffins. Every single breakfast spread was amazing and everyone left happily stuffed and ready to start the day.
One of the mid-day meals we were served was a burger and brat bar. There were tons of sides and fixings and it was definitely a crowd pleaser.
Perhaps my favorite meal, though, was the night we had this amazing supper. Salad, chicken, potatoes, green beans, corn bread muffins (that were especially A*M*A*Z*I*N*G) and cupcakes for dessert. They also offered salad with all the fixings, mashed potatoes, turkey, gravy, biscuits, and pumpkin pie on another night!
So as you can see from my Camp Lebanon Series, they not only fills the soul and help build relationships with God, Camp Lebanon also nurtures the body with amazing, nutritious home cooked meals. The staff did a fantastic job feeding over 40 families this past Memorial Weekend and the food was absolutely top notch. Plus, there were seconds available at every single meal should anyone still happen to be hungry after their first time through the line!
Stay tuned for my final Camp Lebanon Family Camp Post coming soon!
Learn More: Head over to the Camp Lebanon to learn more and start planning today! View the Family Camp Details to embark on an amazing family adventure this year.
Connect: Don’t forget to like Camp Lebanon on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and Instagram for all the latest news and promotions.
I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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This post currently has 16 responses.
Oh the food looks so good. I love the beans and potatoes. Thanks for sharing and making me hungry.
Their selections look like nice, healthy variety. I remember the camp I went to, they offered only one or two things per meal, I like the variety shown here!
Camp food was notorious for being blah in the past. It’s good to see that they’ve made some much needed changes.
Wow, Camp Lebanon looks like they serve some amazing food! I have never seen such a delicious spread at a camp before! I definitely want to visit here sometime. Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂
That’s a great selection of food at a buffett, even the salad looks good and fresh. Something for everyone to enjoy!
Now this sure doesnt look like camp food ! It looks amazing! Gone are the days of hot dogs, and hamburgers. I am glad to see such a nice selection. It sounds like this would satisfy anyone.
The food looks really good!
The food really does look good and that’s a little surprising to me. You wouldn’t think it would be that well planned and prepared.
Usually camp food is icky. That food looks really good! No need for a suitcase full of snacks. 🙂
Ive never been big on camp food, but these meals look much better than what I normally picture at camp.
What a great camp! Such a relief to know that there is hot, healthy food offered throughout the day! Right?! Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Those pics look delicious (and adorable!). I loved the food when I was a camper, but would probably hate it as an adult (undercooked bread, super spicy soup, lots of salt) so glad this meet everyone’s standards.
The food looks so delicious! Plus it’s an all you can eat buffet. That is so nice.
the food really looks great, normal every day food that most people would like. You never said how was your little pickie eater?
From the pictures, it looks delicious!