Sending a big thank you to Camp Lebanon for welcoming our family to a fun-filled weekend at Camp!
If you’re just tuning in to my Camp Lebanon Series, be sure to head over to my First Camp Post to hear about day one and learn a little bit more about this awesome camp. Today, I want to share just some of the fun games and activities they offer at Camp Lebanon. While it would be impossible to tell about everything, here are some highlights!
For starters, right near the Camp Lebanon Chalet, they have a great little playground. It features a mini-zipline, three slides including a fun roller slide (which was the biggest hit), and even monkey bars. It’s close enough to other games and activities that we were able to let our 2 year old play safely while watching all four of our other kids participate in other activities too.
The main consensus of the “most fun game” for the majority of the family was something that was new to us. (When we first arrived at camp, the kids had asked us what this giant structure was and none of our guesses happened to be right!) Later that first day, we discovered it’s called 9 Square In The Air. Nine players each line up under a square and the middle player “serves” the ball up and out of their square. Players then continue bumping the ball up and out of their square as it comes. The player to miss the ball if it falls in their area or bump the ball out of bounds is out. Players continue rotating as others get out as the goal is to be in the middle. It’s super addicting and fun! As a matter of fact, this was a busy area during almost all of camp, including at 10pm and later!
One of the game areas at Camp Lebanon is home to a double Carpetball Table as well as two pool tables. When I was a kid, playing Carpetball was THE best way to spend free time at camp. So I’m thrilled to see that it’s still an option. They also have two more Carpetball tables located directly out the front doors of the Chalet which is perfect when the weather is nice. My family is also thrilled to share that they were one of three families who tied for First Place in the ever popular Family Carpetball Championship!
One special activity that has happened at every Camp Lebanon Summer Camp that I’ve attended is their special Campfire at Bass Point. Not only is the short hike gorgeous on the way, the campfire is loads of fun! We start with fun campfire worship songs and then move on to a rousing game of Gorilla Gets The Man, a special campfire sermon was given, stories were told, and s’mores were consumed. Jim Hinson, the featured speaker of the weekend, gave a run-down of the Story Of Bighorn, John Colter, and the 156 mile race while sharing how that translates into life today. Then, Bobber Bill came up to take the entire camp on a rousing “Going On A Lion Hunt” activity that is a memorable camp tradition.
One more fun option for those who are 10 years old or older is the exhilarating Screaming Eagle Zip Line. While I was a bit nervous to give this a go, the affordable $5 price tag for two rides was enough to convince me to broaden my horizons. Not only am I glad I went, but had an absolute blast too! The feeling was mutual as Mike and the two oldest kiddos were thrilled with this opportunity.
On top of what I’ve already mentioned, there are lots of other activities scheduled, unscheduled, and available throughout many or all of Camp Lebanon retreat options including: Fishing, Pontoon Rides, Paddle Boats, Canoeing, Kayaking, Swimming, Playing On The Beach, Basketball, Hockey, Wiffleball, Tennis, Hiking, and more.
But finally, I wanted to share about the Family & Staff Variety Show that camp hosts. They offer everyone the opportunity to perform as talent isn’t a requirement but having fun is. Our family went ahead and planned, what we were hoping to be, an amusing skit. Based off the laughs and cheers, I think it was a hit! Check it out below:
Stay tuned for my next Camp Lebanon post where I talk about food!
Don’t forget to leave a comment below! Did you like our skit?
I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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This post currently has 19 responses.
I have been wanting to go ziplining. That place looks amazing. I think you get to spend more time together during fun simple games like pool than the stress and aggrevation of a big theme park. What a great way to spend time with ones family.
You are so brave to get on the Zip line. I would never do that for fear of heights. The other activities look like so much fun.
Cute kids it looks like you all had a really fun and exciting day of it.
This looks like such an awesome Summer camp!! I only had the chance to go once as a kid, but I still remember every moment. It was such a fun place and is great because it can be educational as well. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
What a fun time! My family would love this 🙂
Wow a zip line too? For $5 for 2 rides I would so do it! Looks like a blast 😀
Your skit was one of my favorites! Such a great punchline 🙂
This place looks so fun! The eagle zip line would be so exciting to go on over and over! I like that they have indoor activities and outdoor ones too. The s’mores look super yummy!
So much to do! I bet you all went to bed content every night!
Sounds so fun and amazing!
Wow that would be an amazing experience. The scenery is out of this world!
what a super cool camp. Such a fun experience to share, I am sure.
The camp looks like a lot of fun. It has something for all ages too. I wish my summer camps that I went to as a child were this good.
That looks like a lot of fun! I’m still looking into camp for my kids this Summer.
Sounds like a great time! Thanks for sharing!
This looks like a blast! What a fun vacation!
WOW it looks like you all had a lot of fun. There is nothing like this camp around here because I know a lot of family/friends that would love to go.
Your skit was adorable! I had no idea where it was going until the ‘punchline’, ha! Camp Lebanon sounds like a blast-some day I definitely want to take the kids to family camp!