Tempur777 Tempur777 Tempur777 DrPatch Eye Patches Review | Emily Reviews

I have amblyopia, or a type of “lazy eye.” It’s where my brain favors one eye over the other, so one eye sees better and is stronger than the other eye. It’s something I’ve had since I was a child. When I was a child, I did patch therapy. Patch therapy is where you put a patch on your good eye. This makes your brain use your bad eye, and strengthens it. I used to wear a patch all the time as a child, then I only had to wear it a few hours a day. I’ve recently been told I should continue patch therapy as an adult.

DrPatch sells eye patches for patch therapy that stick right onto your glasses. Patch therapy is used for amblyopia, my condition, as well as strabismus and other eye conditions. DrPatch not only sells eye patches, they sell cute ones! Since most people requiring patch therapy are children, this is a big deal. When I was a child, I would get stared at, and feel really self conscious wearing an eye patch. My eye patch was huge, and went over my glasses, it was very noticeable. If only they’d had DrPatch patches back then!

I received the Senora patches to review. I liked the Senora patterns, but they have many others for both children and adults.

Here is what the eye patch kit comes with:
It comes with the patterns, a clear adhesive, a card to stick your patches on to save them for later, information, and of course, instructions.

The instructions were very easy to follow. You put the clear adhesive over the lens you want covered, then outline the lens in pen. Then you stick the clear adhesive over one of the patterns, then you cut it out, peel off the pattern, and you have a patch!

Here’s my patch in the process of being made. I don’t have a very steady hand, as you can see:

But even without a steady hand, it turned out fine. Here’s the patch on me:

The eye patches stick on my glasses, and peel off really well. They don’t leave any sticky residue. And since you cut out your own, you know it’s going to fit your glasses. Whether you’re covering the left or right eye, the patch will work.

There are enough patterns and adhesives to make six eye patches. They last quite awhile. I’ve used mine, and they’re nice and sturdy. Having six patches will last me a long time.

These patches are not total occlusion. You can still see a bit around your glasses (depending on your frames). I ended up making mine a little bit bigger than my frames, to cover a bit more, and I liked that a lot better. It was great that I had the ability to shape it any way I wanted to! They also sell a total occlusion kit for children on their website.

If you have an eye condition that requires patch therapy, or a child that does, or know of someone who needs to do patch therapy, let them know about these patches. They’re really nice, convenient, and very cute! Every child having to go through patch therapy should have a patch like these to wear.

Buy it: You can buy the DrPatch eye patches on their website.
Connect: You can connect with DrPatch on their Facebook and Twitter.



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