Have you ever heard of The Original Schnoozles? The Schnoozles is a patented sleep plush animal that was designed to help children fall asleep. They were created by a mother to help aid in the bedtime routine and to help children overcome the reluctance of sleep. Most American children do not get enough sleep at night and Schnoozle wants to help. Many children have trouble falling asleep for the simple fact that they don’t want to miss out on what’s going on.  The Schnoozles come with a cute little story book to read at bedtime as well.  Then, you close the Schnoozles eyes and everyone gets to go to sleep together.  The eyes are “tucked” into a pocket above the eyes.  At bedtime, simply slip your finger into the pocket and pull the eyelids out to cover your Schnoozles eyes.  It’s very easy and our children were able to easily do this by themselves.  The eyelids are tucked in nicely, though, so they will not just “fall” out when you don’t want either.  The Schnoozle is a battery free toy, which I am grateful for.  Our kids love lights and sounds as much as the next  but a little peace and quiet is good to have too.  The Schnoozles are meant to inspire creativity and imagination and to help children learn to self-soothe.

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My 5 year old son was very excited when I told him about the new friend he’d be getting in the mail to sleep with.  He was so excited that every day he would ask when his Schnoozles would arrive.  You will notice right away, we received the pink Schnoozle to review .  I’ll admit right away that he was disappointed that he received the pink Shah-Shah Snoozles.  Rest assured that you can order your Schnoozle in brown, the Shu-Shu Schnoozles,  as well, which is what he had been hoping for.

The reason I had been interested in the Schnoozle is because our son gets scared at night.  He’s never sure what he’s scared of but he has dealt with this fear issue for over a year already.  We don’t have “tv” and only watch DVD’s so I decided to cut Scooby Doo out of the line up since that was about the only “scary” movie/show that he was allowed to watch.  This definitely helped decrease the bedtime issues but he will still say he’s scared sometimes.  I was hoping that the Schnoozles would help him.  So, even after his initial disappointment in the color of his Schnoozles, he has accepted her and has even taken her everywhere with him.  The includes to Sunday School and church as he was not about to leave her behind at home.  His classmates had a positive reaction as well.  All the kids thought it was pretty neat.  To top it off, he has not mentioned any fears at bedtime either.  So clearly, the pink color is not as big a deal as he had first thought.

Schnoozle4The Schnoozles are 14 inches and very soft.  They weigh 11 ounces.  Shah-Shah came dressed in a cute nightgown as well.  (Not that my son thinks that, but I do.)  The small story book is short and sweet.  We’ve found that this is a fun addition to our bedtime routine.  The best part of it all is that our son is happy and content.  You can find The Original Shnoozles on Facebook.



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