Pizza is one of those foods that crosses cultures. Every culture seems to have a unique version of pizza. I also believe it to be one of the foods that all age groups enjoy.

Recently, I learned about a company named GalloLea Pizza Kits.  They offer pizza kits in Whole Wheat, Gluten Free and Low Sodium. The kits include pizza sauce, crust mix and a round cooking paper. With their guidance, you can have a fresh homemade pizza in around 30 minutes.


For our review, we received Whole Wheat GalloLea Pizza Kits.

In my house, we enjoy making our pizzas at home. The girls enjoy the whole process of making the dough, spreading the sauce and then adding their favorite toppings. I think my husband prefers to do it this way because it is generally less expensive and faster than going out to a restaurant. Personally, I prefer to do it this way because, I know that the toppings are fresh and I can include extra veggies.


When it comes to pizza crust, we are a divided family. My husband enjoys either a super thin crust or a crust similar to French bread. My daughters aren’t real fans of the crust no matter what style it is. I have converted from the deep-dish crust to a thin AND grilled crust. I want that cracker like crunch.

20130416_162008(The inside of the kit box has some helpful tips and suggestions.)

When our GalloLea Pizza Kits arrived, we decided to make a pizza and have family movie night. The girls made the crust, we spread the sauce that was included in the kit, and then added our favorite toppings. We followed the baking instructions that came with the kit and within 30 minutes, had a hot meal. The consensus was that our pizza creation was delicious and the GalloLea Pizza Kits were fun and easy.


I am thankful I have another GalloLea Pizza Kit. I am taking it with us on vacation. I plan to grill it and experiment with some new toppings.

Connect with GalloLea Pizza Kits on their website, facebook and twitter.

One lucky winner is going to get their choice of three GalloLea Pizza Kits. This is a US giveaway that will end on 5/17/2013.

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