For the last six years, my husband has been using the same travel coffee mug. In my opinion, it’s gross but he loves it and says it’s the “perfect” mug. I guess it’s sort of like your favorite worn hoodie or something like that. Well, the other day, I watched him fill his travel mug in the morning and couldn’t help but giggle at the process he goes through. First, you have to put muscle into getting the lid off. I suspect after six years of being used and abused on the job site, the stainless steel has some reshaping to it. As he pulled to get the lid off, the plastic beverage chamber separated from the stainless steel sleeve. He put that back together and filled his mug. Then he put the lid back on and the bottom plastic ring fell off. I asked if these were new issues and he said no, it happens all the time. I shook my head and knew that we/he needed a Contigo intervention.

We were invited to take part in the Contigo Road Warrior Campaign. For our review, we received a commuter essentials kit including – Contigo AUTOSEAL® West Loop Stainless Steel Travel Mug and an AUTOSEAL® Randolph Stainless Steel Travel Mug with Button Lock.

My husband changed careers two years ago. His commute went from an hour and a half each way to about 5 minutes round trip. Contigo shared commute statistics with us. Some of them surprised me. 79.9% of commuters travel alone while, 10.1% carpool, 5.3% in public transportation and the last 4.8% travel by other means.

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Contigo also looked into what we drink while traveling; 91% choose hot beverages. When surveyed to see what commuters look for in a travel mug, they said- dishwasher safe, temperature control and larger size. This didn’t really surprise me. A beverage travel container should be easy to clean, keep your drink at the temp you want (hot or cold) and should be the size that fits your needs.


I presented my husband with his new Contigo AUTOSEAL® West Loop Stainless Steel Travel Mug. He was impressed with size and design. I showed him my new AUTOSEAL® Randolph Stainless Steel Travel Mug.


I shared with him that both mugs had AUTOSEAL® technology meaning they are leak-proof and spill resistant. To drink from them, you need to push a button that opens the beverage chamber. They are also both vacuum insulated to help regulate our beverage temperature. Cold beverages will stay cold for up to 12 hours and hot for up to 4 hours; that covers most commutes.


We love our new Contigo travel mugs. They have made our commute a better experience.

Contigo would like to help improve your commute. Right now, you can use coupon code COMMUTERPROMO to received 20% off your online purchase.

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This post currently has 2 responses.

  • Liz

    This sounds way better than my hubby’s old travel mug…that thing is a real pain and leaks but hadn’t gotten around to replacing it. Will definitely check these out!

  • Deb E

    I haven’t bought a travel mug in ages and I’ve seen this brand on sale now and then. I hate spilling coffee in my car so appreciate a non-spill mug.

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