The Redmond Trading Company is based out of Heber City, Utah.  They believe that products of nature are better than anything “man” can make so they use natural ingredients in their products.

For our review, we received Real Salt Nature’s First Sea Salt, Real Salt Organic seasonings, Redmond Bath Salts Plus, Redmond Clay, Redmond Clay Facial Mud and Earthpaste toothpaste.

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Real Salt Organic seasonings and Sea Salt are natural and have no man-made additives. Real Salt believes nature made salt is the perfect formula so they didn’t change anything. It contains over 60 trace minerals. We found Real Salt to be a great seasoning for our food. It was fantastic on a beef roast and vegetables the other night!


Redmond Bath Salts Plus are made from the natural deposits that have been found in ancient sea beds. Because our bodies are often mineral deficient, soaking in a calming bath with these salts can restore some of those trace minerals that our bodies need. According to the container, these bath salts are supposed to soothe overused muscles, detoxify the body, improve circulation and help produce a more restful sleep.

Well, let me tell you.  I just got out of the tub after soaking (and reading a book) for about 30 minutes.   It’s very hot here in Oregon so my bath water was a bit on the cool side.  After I got out of the tub and was drying off, I could immediately feel a difference in my skin.  Normally I need to use a moisturizer or I feel rough and almost scaly…not the case after my Redmond Bath Salts Plus bath.   My skin feels very smooth and soft.


For many years, clay has been used to heal physical ailments. Redmond Clay can be used to treat  bites, burns and other skin conditions.  Both my daughters and I have eczema. With our unusually warm weather we have been experiencing, our skin is really dry. I mixed some of my Redmond Clay into a loose paste and have been applying that to our dry skin. It is moisturizing our skin and also seems to be helping heal the eczema.


Clay Facial Mud is a nice light facial mask. It provides a cooling facial while the clay helps to rid your skin of impurities. I enjoy keeping my Clay Facial Mud in the refrigeration for an extra refreshing feeling.


Earthpaste is a clay based toothpaste. It doesn’t contain any of the foaming agents you may be accustomed to. The texture takes a couple applications to get used to. After a few days, we became quite fond of Earthpaste. My kids and I really enjoy the flavors and the clean feeling it leaves in our mouths. As a parent, I like knowing that if they accidently swallow some, it’s not going to hurt them.


You can learn even more about Redmond Trading Company on their website. You can also connect with Redmond  Clay, Real Salt and Earthpaste on their facebook pages.




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