If you follow my reviews even on a semi-regular basis, then you probably know that we are a board game playing family. My daughters are 4.5 and almost 7 years old. Playing board games is not only a fun activity for us, but also an educational activity. I think kids learn a lot through play…so do adults. Sometimes we learn academic skills; sometimes life skills and other times we are gently reminded to enjoy the simple things in life and to reconnect with our family members.
Recently we had the chance to add three new games to our collection. For our review, Spin Master sent us Boom Boom Balloon, Headbanz and a Logo board game.
Boom Boom Balloon is a game geared for ages 8 and above and 2 or more players. Each game is estimated to take about 15 minutes. Once you set up the game frame (very easy and minimum assembly required), you are ready to start having fun. Simply blow up one of the balloons provided with the game, insert it into the frame, roll the die so know how many times you need to “click your stick” and hope you don’t pop the balloon. Is doesn’t take long before everyone involved is having a BLAST! The game comes with the balloon holder, 12 balloons, 10 sticks, 1 die and instructions.
Headbanz Act Up! has players asking “What am I?” Players wear a special headband that holds a card. Players roll the die, which ever teammate matches your roll, they will act our clues to the object on your card. We had to bend these rules a bit since my kids are younger than the suggested age, we asked questions to figure out what was on our cards. The game comes with 6 Headbanz, 74 object cards, 24 scoring chips, a timer and instructions. Headbanz encourages players to use tier creative thinking skills. They suggest players 8 years and older, but with some minor changes, my younger kids also enjoyed playing.
Logo tests your brand recognition skills. Players must quickly identify which product goes with which Logo. The first player to answer all the questions correctly wins. The game comes with 400 game cards, 6 mover pieces a game board and instructions. Logo is suggested for players 12 years and older; however, my kids (ages 4.5 and almost 7) have an amazing memory of brands and logos.
Check out Spin Master for your next family board game. You can connect with Spin Master on facebook, twitter and YouTube.
One lucky winner is going to receive a Boom Boom Balloon game. This is a US giveaway and it will end on 10/14/2013.
Hello, my name is Laurie. My family and I live near the Oregon coast. When we aren’t at work, in school, or on the volleyball court, we enjoy traveling, cheering for our favorite sports teams, playing outdoors, and checking off items on our bucket list. We are lucky in that both sets of our parents, as well as our siblings and their families, live within an hour of us. We get together often to help one another out, celebrate milestones, and go on adventures together.
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The website had so many family friendly games, and my favorite is Stratego
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I made a mistake and hit rrs subscriber instead of email subscriber
This would be for my granddaughters