*I was sent two ID tags from Red Dingo in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own.

When we’re inside, my pugs Frank & Beans like to stay within a couple of feet of me almost all the time. They sit in the bathroom while I shower and at the end of the counter while I cook. Outside they venture around, sniffing and exploring. We had only had them home three or four days when I turned around and Frank was in the front yard (we always go into the backyard for them to do their business). I yelled his name  but cars were going past and he didn’t hear me. He kept going towards the road and I headed towards him, increasing speed as he got closer and closer to the road. I kept yelling and he finally just stopped and turned, heading the other way when he was only about two feet from the roadside.

Thankfully, that was a lone incident. I think it was primarily caused by a lack of him knowing his boundaries as he hadn’t been with us long enough to observe how far us humans go in our yard. Neither dog goes anywhere near the road now but that was scary and really got me thinking about the possibility of losing track of either or both of the dogs. I knew that I needed to get ID tags for them.

Red Dingo offers personalized dog tags as well as collars, beds and more. We were able to review two enamel dog ID tags for Frank and Beans.



There are several designs and colors available. For Frank, I went with a black bone and beans got a pink pawprint. The tags come in small, medium and large. The medium size allowed us enough space to put the dogs names on one row, our address on the second and third rows and our phone number on the fourth row. The tags are a bit bigger than a quarter which is a nice size for them. They came on key rings that were really small and after 20 minutes of trying to get the ring on my dogs collars I decided it was truly impossible (the ring was so small that it couldn’t stretch enough to get over the collars D ring) so I had to go buy other key rings and then they attached without a problem. With the full sized key rings attaching them, the tags hang low enough that it sometimes hits the side of the food/water bowl when they are eating but they are enamel so they won’t rust so it doesn’t concern me. Ring Dingo does sell tag clips so that you can avoid buying keyrings and more easily swap tags between collars if you change collars often.


I feel so much better knowing that if my dogs get away from me, if someone finds them they can call me or just look up my address in order to bring them back to me.

You can connect with Red Dingo on Facebook.



This post currently has 7 responses.

  • Tags like that are super important! They’re so cute.

  • What a great idea and love the look.

  • Cute tags and safety is so important. A great way to find them in case they get lost.

  • I’ll have to get those for my dog.

  • RCS

    So cute! Love the color options.

  • Martin Barming Nielsen

    The tags themselves are wonderful. Trouble is, they come with a metal “connector” (don’t know the word for this), that looks okay, but doesn’t stay on an active dog for more than a few months. We bought two Red Dingo tags, but we can’t keep buying new ones every 2-3 months, so we will stay far away from this product in the future.

  • Garey Newbery

    Glad you have had such a good experience. My experience is this . These tags ware out within 6 months . The color chips away and the SO CALLED ENGRAVING get worn away. I have had 1 of the tags replaced and I made the sugestion at that time to make the engraving ( which is actually done with a press ) DEEPER. My suggestion seems to have fallen on deaf ears because the replacement tag is now WORN OUT.

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