*I was provided with Kaijudo cards in return for this post. All opinions are my own.


My nephew Luke is going on 8 years old and he enjoys the TV show Kaijudo. It is an animated tv show that features a boy named Ray as the main character. He has special powers that allow him to control and dual against fantastical creatures. The Choten tries to enslave and tame the creatures so Ray and his friends try to save them.


Kaijudo Cards go along with the show and let kids play a card game with each other. I love how the game takes the TV show and makes it into a more social act of playing a game with other people. Even children who aren’t familiar with the TV show can learn about and enjoy the card game. It might even be a fun way to introduce them to the show.

Luke is the type of kid who has a great mind for reading instructions and putting things together or understanding the directions, making the game easy for him to figure out. If your child needs help learning the rules or if you’d like to play along with him, the Kaijudo site has a great list of resources (including videos) that help you learn the ropes of the Kaijudo card game.


There are several packs of cards available, so even if the kid in your life already has some cards you can use this as a gift idea and just add to their stash. The cards are collectible and trade-able so odds are high that they’ll get some new cards in each pack and if they get any duplicates they can trade them with a friend for cards that they don’t already have. If you’re still worried about getting duplicates, consider the Invasion Earth pack because it was just released last month so they’re less likely to have gotten that set.

Connect: You can connect with Kaijudo on Facebook and Twitter.




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