I received products from Minwax for my review.  All opinions are my own.

I love DIY projects; however, my skills and patience are limited. I am great at coming up with ideas and starting projects. Then my creativity, abilities, and drive dwindle and the project rarely gets completed. It’s frustrating because I have so many projects I want/ need to get done.

Last month, I was asked to review Minwax Wood Finishing Cloths stain and Minwax Express Clear Finish, I jumped at the opportunity. I had 5 items I needed stained. The Finishing Cloths sounded easy. I hoped this would be a project I could/would actually complete.


I decided to start with a small side table I had just inherited. I received Minwax Wood Finishing Cloths in a variety of stain colors. I chose the Dark Mahogany. These magic little cloths are “pre-loaded” with stain and finish. All I needed to do was rub the cloth on a clean wood surface.


I applied the first coat of stain and was pleased. I decided I wanted it a little darker so I waited about 1 ½ hours to make sure the first layer was dry and then I applied the second.



I could still see some cup rings on the table surface, so I decided to apply a third coat. After applying the third coat, I had the color I wanted and it covered the ring stains.


I wanted to apply a finish to the table even though the cloths had a finish included in them. I wanted a bit more of a gloss appearance to the table so I applied Minwax Express Clear Finish low-gloss. Applying this product is also easy; simply rub on with a clean cloth towel. It was perfect and my first project was complete and crossed of my “to-do” list!





After I finished the side table, I moved on to my bigger projects. Both of my daughters were gifted with new oak desks and chairs for Christmas. When we received the desks, they were in a natural wood state. I knew I wanted to stain them to match the girls’ other bedroom furniture. I also figured I had better put a gloss finish on them to provide a higher level of protection. Again, I used Minwax Wood Finishing Cloths stain and Minwax Express Clear finish. I was pleased with the finished results on the desks. The chairs were a bit more complicated. I think I prefer to use the stain and finish cloths on wide flat surfaces as opposed to small detailed areas.

I hope to do more wood staining projects this summer. I will use Minwax products again.

You can buy Minwax products on their website. Connect with Minwax on facebook and twitter.




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