Thank you Better Life
for providing me with products to review, free of charge.
These are my own honest opinions.

Better Life logo A few years ago, I decided to rid our house and our lives of as many chemical products as possible. Having two young children, it seemed a no brainer to pick the safest cleaning products out there, knowing that my children will be touching and most likely licking almost everything they can get their little hands on. From the moment I made that decision, I was on a quest to find all-natural cleaning products that really do work. I came across Better Life products a little over a year ago (and reviewed them for you) and they are the only products I use know to clean our entire house!

Not only are they created by 2 dads who are also conscious about the environment their children are growing up in, one of them is a chemist so he knows what he’s doing when it comes down to creating cleaning products that really do work. They wanted to make cleaning products that were ‘less about pine-fresh, more about pine-friendly’ as they like to say. They were also mindful about that was in their products, so much so that these products are totally safe, even to use around babies and pets. There are no warning labels whatsoever on the bottles!

better life productsTo demonstrate how safe their products are, Keven (the chemist) even sprayed some in his mouth during his Shark Tank interview. By the way, if you haven’t seen this episode, you should definitely take a few minutes to watch it. They demonstrate how effective their products are and the results are simply and truly amazing (Paint on the floor? Taken care of by Simply Floored! Chicken meat rubbed all over the kitchen counter? Taken care of by what-EVER… seriously, go see that video!)

Switching from using products that need to be handled with gloves to Better Life products was absolutely wonderful! Knowing that I use products that are natural and safe for my family and the planet is amazing but of course, that wouldn’t mean much if the products weren’t effective. Here is my experience with the 4 products I received: Simply Floored, what-EVER! All-Purpose Cleaner, Even the Kitchen Sink, and Einshine.

First of all, Simply Floored is, as the name suggests, a floor cleaner. It is naturally scented with citrus and mint essential oils which leave a delicate and fresh smell that doesn’t linger and makes you nauseous. My 3 favorite things about this product is that 1. It works well on all surfaces. I use it both on our hardword floors and ceramic floors with a microfiber mop and I find it equally effective on both. 2. It is doesn’t require rinsing because I’ve got better things to do… 3. It doesn’t leave any streaks! As I said before, I’ve used many green and non-green cleaning products until I discovered Better Life and I was often disappointed because after washing the floors, they’d be covered in streaks and looked about worse than before I cleaned them. Better Life is like magic in a bottle. I don’t do anything different but the product itself is different and does a way better job at cleaning without leaving streaks all over.

better life floorwhat-EVER is an all-purpose cleaner and is my go-to product whenever there is a spill, when I want to clean the table and counters before and after meals, the bathtub, the shower, the toilet seat, etc. Basically I use what-EVER for whatever needs to be cleaned! It also works well as a pre-treater for stains of clothes! You can get is scent free or choose the clary sage and citrus scent. I chose the latter and love it. It’s again a fresh herbal scent made with essential oils. I have hard water and the mineral residue can be difficult to get rid of but I was surprised to see that what-EVER dissolves them almost on contact! In the Shark Tank episode, you can get actual data on how effective it is on disgusting messes like chicken meat rubbed on a counter.

better life sinkEven the Kitchen Sink is a scent-free kitchen and bath scrubber. This is perfect when you’re dealing with more difficult cleaning jobs such as food that spilled and dried on the counter, scum in the bathtub or shower, even markers on the wall (anyone else has a 2-year-old artist in their house?) In our house, this product is a life saver for my kitchen sink and cooktop. This product does not scratch but that doesn’t mean it’s not powerful. Just take a look at the ‘before-after’ pictures of my cooktop (and please, don’t judge me for my clumsy cooking skills). I’m not even kidding when I say this works better than the stinking chemical-filled product I used to use.

better life ovenEinshine is a stainless steel cleaner. Again, having tried other green products before, I can tell you that I get the best results from Einshine. Not only does it clean, it also polishes at the same time and it creates a protective barrier against fingerprints and dust. With a little elbow-grease and one simple product, I get rid of all the finger prints and smudges! And there are no streaks either! Not only does it work superbly well on stainless steel but you can also use it on faucets, door handles, and other metallic surfaces such as chrome, nickel, and titanium.

better life fridgeWhat more can I say? I LOVE Better Life products! I’m so happy to be able to introduce all of you to safe and natural cleaning products that works as well as – I’ll even dare to say better than – regular chemical-filled cleaning products.

Buy It: Head over to Better Life to see for yourself the great selection of all-natural cleaning products and accessories they offer. They offer free shipping on $25+ orders. Better Life products are now available in Canada through Better Clean Canada.

Connect: Don’t forget to like Better Life on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and Pinterest for all the latest news and promotions.




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