I received products from Smith Bros for my review. All opinions are my own.

Like many families, we seem to get stuck on the sickness roller coaster every winter. One week we are feeling good and then the next week we go downhill and share a bug. We just start to climb up and feel better and then the next sickness hits. This goes on from about November until March.

This year, we have been fairly lucky though. We “missed” our normal November/December round of bronchitis and pneumonia. Instead, we picked up a cough that just sort of lingered. No matter what I tried, nothing seemed to help. It was more annoying that anything.


About three weeks ago, I was asked to review Smith Bros wellness products. My review package included: Black Licorice Throat Drops, Warm Apple Pie Throat Drops, Daily-C Chewable Tablets, Wild Berry with Caffeine Restore Electrolyte Drops and Zinc Boost Chewable Tablets.


When the package arrived, I let my daughters try the Apple Pie throat drops. They liked the flavor and the warming throat drop seemed to help sooth their dry scratch throats.  I tried the Black Licorice and thought it had a nice flavor to it as well.


Next we tried the Zinc Boost Chewable Tablets and Daily-C Chewable tablets. Zinc Boost has 5mg of zinc to support your immune system. Daily-C has 250mg of vitamin C. Our family preferred the orange Daily-C flavor over the strawberry Zinc Boost flavor. Both Chewable Tablets were easy to take.


Lastly I tried the Wild Berry with Caffeine Restore Electrolyte Drops. I was super excited to give the drops a try. I am terrible at drinking my daily water. I know my electrolytes are off as I am probably a little dehydrated. I had a Wild Berry with Caffeine Restore Electrolyte drop every day for about a week. By the end of that first week, I could tell something was different. I was feeling more alert. The Restore Electrolyte Drops were the only change I had made so I concluded that the improvement was from the drops. I feel much better now that my electrolyte levels are close to “normal.”


With Smith Bros wellness products, we are feeling much better and are now ready to enjoy Spring!


To learn more about Smith Bros wellness products, please visit their website. You may also connect with them on facebook and twitter.




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