I will be receiving two outfits from Feltman Brothers for this post.

As I have looked over the clothing at Feltman Brothers, I have fallen in love.  You can find some spectacular hand-embroidered baby clothing and many items for special events.  You will also find some very special pieces for baby gifts as well.  As for myself, I sometimes find it hard to shop for a boy when it comes to embroidered clothing. It isn’t that I don’t like this style of clothing it has just been hard to find something that I just fall in love with. It is always so easy to pick things out for girls, but while looking at all Feltman Brothers had to offer I came across several pieces that I would love for Baby A.  Luckily I will be receiving 2 of those items and I will be letting you see the cuteness on my little guy in a separate post.

As for now, Feltman Brothers has asked me to let you know about a great giveaway they are hosting for all of their fans.  When they hit 1,00 likes on their Facebook page they will be announcing the winner of the $150 gift package they are giving away.  The link below will take you to the site where you can enter to win this great prize!  I have no doubt that you will be disappointed with the variety of products they have.  After you like their Facebook page make sure you check them out on Twitter and stay up to date on everything going on.  Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway





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