Tempur777 Tempur777 Tempur777 WolVol Electric Excavator Construction Truck Toy ~ Birthday Bash ~ Review | Emily Reviews

Thank you to WolVol for providing me with product, free of charge, for review.
All opinions are my own.

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We are in the process of planning a birthday bash for two of our boys.  While I never thought I’d be one to have joint birthday parties, two of our kids are born within a week of each other in June so it only makes sense to celebrate together.  Perhaps, as they get older, we can have separate parties if they truly feel the need but for now, they don’t mind.  This year, our current youngest will be turning 2 years old and our oldest son will be turning 7 years old.  Since their birthdays are coming up fast, I have been on the hunt for quality, fun toys that our boys would enjoy.

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When the box from WolVol arrived, there was definite excitement in the air.  Our three boys were thrilled to see the contents and couldn’t keep still as we opened the package.  Inside, they found the WolVol Electric Excavator Construction Truck.

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As soon as we had this open, the boys turned it on.  Lights and music started immediately and so did the dancing and joy!  Upon further inspection, I realized there was a “cap” on the bottom that , once removed, allowed the Excavator to drive as it played music and lit up.  Once we had the Excavator fully functioning, even my husband had to come take notice.  The Excavator not only plays music, has lights, and drives itself around, but the arm also lifts the bucket from time to time.  Having three boys, we have a variety of toys for them but WolVol has created something unique in their Excavator that keeps drawing the boys (and husband) back.

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WolVol Electric Excavator Construction Truck In Action:

The WolVol Electric Excavator has been a hit not only with our two upcoming birthday boys, but also our 3 1/2 year old and my husband.  This toy has gotten played with often since its arrival a couple weeks ago and is still going strong.  It’s great to find a product that brings so much excitement each time it is played with.

Buy It: Head over to WolVol to see for yourself the great selection of products they offer.  Not only do they offer electric toys but also laptops and tablets too.

Connect: Don’t forget to like WolVol on Facebook, follow them on Pinterest, and subscribe to their YouTube Channel for all the latest news and promotions.



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