Pup Box Subscription Box Review

*I was provided with a Pup Box in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

I love seeing new subscription box companies pop up. There’s something so exciting about getting a surprise in the mail each month. Pup Box is a fairly new subscription box service that focuses on not just dogs but puppies. When you sign up, you inform the company about the age and breed/size of your puppy and they customize your subscription to their age and size each month. You’ll get 4-6 products suitable for your puppy’s age as well as a “trick of the month” card that teaches you how to teach your puppy a trick, and tips or advice for dealing with your puppy at his current age. You can still sign up for Pup Box if your dog is already full grown, but your items won’t be customized based on your dogs age anymore.

Pup Box Subscription Box Review

My dogs are not puppies, they’re actually considered senior dogs based on their age. However, they are big babies in terms of their personalities. They aren’t aggressive chewers, they are afraid of large toys, but they still like to run and play in the yard. The box that we were sent was assembled for puppies who are 3 months old. The sheet included with our box included information about beginning obedience training, potty training and a walk-through for teaching your puppy to sit.

Pup Box Puppy subscription box review

The first item in our box included a Patchwork Pet brand octopus plush toy with a squeaker inside. My dogs are picky about toys in general, but when they do take to a toy it’s always a smaller, plush toy and this one they took to right away. We got our Pup Box about a month ago and the Octopus is still hanging around but he’s in really rough shape. So, I wouldn’t say that it’s incredibly durable but we’ve had toys destroyed in 1 or 2 play sessions so I’d say its probably about average in terms of durability. Price: $9.98 on Amazon.

pup box review

The second item was Crumps’ Naturals traditional liver fillets. These are made out of beef liver and my dogs just went crazy over them. They are easy to break into tiny pieces so they make great training treats. They are stinky but I don’t mind stinky treats as long as my dogs like them – my hands are washable. These sell on Amazon for $9.99.

pup box dog subscription box review

The third item was Waggers My Little Wolf treats. These are made from Duck – my dog Beans really liked these. We had never tried duck-based treats but she loves chicken based treats and foods so I guess she is just a poultry-loving dog. These have just 2.7 calories per treat, and they would be a great option for dogs who have allergies to more common protein sources. The 16oz bag sells for $11.99 on Amazon, our bag was 5.29oz so I would estimate this size bag would be something like a $4 value.


Next up is Unique brand pet odor & Stain eliminator. This bottle seems really small but it’s highly concentrated and you mix it with water prior to using it, so it makes 1 quart when mixed. As I mentioned, my dogs are full grown so we don’t have problems with them having accidents inside and I haven’t tested this product. However, the box is aimed at those with a 3 month old puppy so it’s definitely appropriate in that case. This size bottle sells for $9.17 on Amazon.

pup box subscription box review

We also got a Planet Dog Snack Sack. It’s designed to keep kibble or treats in and has velcro to attach to your belt. It makes it easy to keep treats incredibly close at all times while training. It’s listed for $12.95 on Amazon.


We also got a NanDog fetch rubber toy. My dogs only will play with plush toys so this wasn’t a “win” for us. With my dogs being so picky about their toys, I can’t expect to get toys that they’ll love every time in a subscription box. I think it’s a great choice for the company to include in a box because it can be used as a tug toy or a fetch toy which increases the odds that any random dog or puppy would take to it. The NanDog.com website has it listed for $8.00.

pup box subscription box review

pup box subscription box review

Last but definitely not least was a Barkworthies Sausage Roll. My dogs started sniffing the box as soon as I opened it (they’ve never done this for other packages in the past). Once I got the tissue paper off, they both went straight for this even though it was wrapped in cellophane, Frank tried to hide it in his dog bed. Clearly, they both thought this was an awesome product to include in the box. It’s a piece of pork wrapped in pork-skin. It’s a great VERY high value treat for my dogs. They are listed on Amazon for $6.72 each, which is more than I would normally spend on a single treat but that makes it a great item to get in a subscription box in my opinion.

pup box subscription box review

You may have noticed that I listed seven items after saying that Pup Boxes include 4-6 items. This is because the Unique cleaner is considered trial size so it wasn’t included as one of the items. I felt like this box was really generous in value compared to other subscription boxes for pets that I have gotten. Amazon prices for items like dog treats do tend to run higher than store prices because of the shipping but based on online prices, the items in the box have a value of $60.81. Pup Box subscriptions range from $29-$39 in value depending on how many months you sign up for, so I think our box was a great value for the price.

You can sign up for Pup Box online. Use the code Emilyreviews15 to save 15%! 

You can also connect with Pup Box on Facebook and Twitter




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