I received products from ToGoSpa for my review. All opinions are my own.

A while back I reviewed products from ToGoSpa. I loved them. They recently asked me to review a new “flavor”. Unfortunately, the new “flavor” is coconut and my finicky skin doesn’t like any coconut products. I asked my mom to help me with the review. The following are my mom’s words:

I don’t know about you but by the end of one of my busy days (aka, every day), between allergies, bright sunlight, computer work and just life in general, my eyes are screaming.  They burn, they itch, I feel like I’m squinting and they feel genuinely exhausted.  All I want to do is close them and make the world go away for a few minutes.

I knew I couldn’t be the only one feeling this way.  Well, guess what.  I’m not!  …and the people at ToGoSpa have a solution for busy people like me…

The folks at ToGoSpa have a wonderful product called Coconut EYES.   They call it a “tropical escape” and that it is!


If you can find a place where no one can find you for about 15 to 20 minutes, you’re in for a treat.   Simply apply the gel pads (they’re infused with a collagen gel that contains aloe, vitamins C & E, amino acids and coconut milk) beneath your eyes and relax.  Let your mind wander to some place tropical or just picture your kitchen sink without any dirty dishes in it.  Anything that will help calm your mind while Coconut EYES by ToGoSpa calms your eyes.  It will be 15 to 20 minutes of much deserved and well spent time that you won’t regret.


If you really want a fresh treat, place your Coconut EYES in the fridge for a few minutes before you apply them.


Coconut EYES by ToGoSpa is free of preservatives and doesn’t use parabens or dyes either.

Coconut EYES by ToGoSpa is a great way to hydrate your eyes while it also soothes them from the overuse they get during our business schedules.


To learn more about ToGoSpa, please visit their website. You may also connect with them on facebook and twitter.




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