I received products from AllerEase Bedding for my review. All opinions are my own.

My daughters have allergies. We believe our youngest is allergic to grass seed. This might not sound like a big deal to some people, but we live in the “grass seed capital of the world”. This makes her early summers a bit of a drag. We end up giving her eye drops, nose spray and allergy medication for a couple of months. Then when grass harvesting season comes to an end, her symptoms ease up.

As Oregon weather begins to change to fall weather, we see another round of sickness. Every November, my kids get what starts as a horrible cold but then quickly turns to bronchitis and/or pneumonia and it’s usually accompanied with ear infections. It has happened almost every year of their lives (we missed one in seven years.) Their pediatrician suspected they could have an allergy to something within our home.  This allergic reaction could be weakening their systems thus enabling them to be more susceptible to these other illnesses. He suggested we test for 9 common household allergens. We did and found nothing.

It is driving us crazy that we are unable to figure this out. Our pediatrician gave us a few suggestions including: we change our furnace filters often, vacuum daily, and clean-out the heat ducts.  He also suggested we try getting the girls mattress pads that were specifically designed for allergy sufferers. I did ‘mom research’ and found that AllerEase Bedding sounded like a company that could help us.


For our review, AllerEase Bedding sent the girls each a Bed Bug Mattress Encasement and a Bed Bug Pillow Encasement.

The Bed Bug Mattress and Pillow Encasements were designed to provide complete protection for your mattress and pillow. They are crafted with light weight breathable materials.  The special design was created to help protect you from bed bugs, dust mites, pet dander, pollen and other allergens. Both Encasements are also waterproof.

Caring for the Bed Bug Mattress Encasement and Pillow Encasement is easy. Simply machine wash on cold and tumble dry on low heat.


As soon as our new Bed Bug Mattress and Pillow Encasements arrived, I washed them and then put them on the girls’ beds. While doing so, I noticed how well the cases were made. They had secure stitching and a hefty zipper. My only concern was that the waterproof material might be loud and could wake the girls in their sleep. I am happy to say that hasn’t happened. If fact, after 3 weeks, I haven’t heard a single complaint out of the girls.

I hope we don’t have another round of sickness this fall/winter. Getting these encasements is one more thing I can feel good about having tried.


If you suffer from allergies, I suggest you visit the AllerEase website. They offer many products designed to ease your symptoms. You may also connect with them on facebook, twitter and pinterest.

Laurie 2014 signature


This post currently has one response.

  • Deb E

    I’ve tried pillow encasements but not mattress encasements. Besides the raging smokey fire we have going on in the valley next to me, I live near the bus line, the Burbank airport, and a major freeway. There’s so much dust I fight everyday so to encase the bedding in these would be ideal.

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