*I was provided with Lee Jeans. All opinions are my own.

DON’T FORGET!!! Tomorrow, October 3, 2014 is Lee Jeans National Denim Day. Lee National Denim Day is committed to improving the everyday lives of those with breast cancer. Find out how simple gestures like wearing your favorite pair of denim, can turn into extraordinary support. With this event, Lee Jeans and the American Cancer Society are working towards lifesaving screenings in communities’ nationwide, hope and care to those traveling away from home for breast cancer treatment, and investments in groundbreaking breast cancer research. Please join Lee National Denim Day by creating a team and donating $5 or more at denimday.com.


I would like to share three AMAZING women with you. Catherine Aplin, Beth Borden-Goodman and Laura Renegar are three women are breast cancer survivors.


At just 19 years old, Catherine discovered a lump in her breast. Her doctor told her not to worry about it. After two years, Catherine sought out a second opinion. That appointment lead to the diagnosis of the BRCA 2 gene and stage III ductal carcinoma. Catherine was the first in her family to have breast cancer. Her fun loving attitude got her through treatments. Today she works to spread breast cancer awareness.


Beth Borden-Goodman, aka The Pink Diva or Sprinkles, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. She decided to rely on a faith-fight method to tackle breast cancer. Beth used humor and happiness to celebrate and encourage others. Today Beth is using her personality and story to motivate and inspire.


Laura discovered a lump in her breast on Valentine’s Day in 2011. She was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and tested positive for the BRCA 2 gene mutation. Laura had witnessed her mother suffer in silence from breast cancer 26 years earlier. She vowed to be open and honest with the details of her prognosis in hopes of helping others. Today Laura has a new attitude and appreciates having the opportunity to realize what is important to her in life.

Mammography can identify breast cancer at an early stage; usually even before physical symptoms start to develop. This is when the disease is most treatable. Self-breast exams are suggested for all, especially those under the age of 40 when yearly mammograms are recommended.


Tomorrow, take casual Friday to a new level; help us celebrate Lee National Denim Day. Join thousands nationwide in helping those with breast cancer. Register your team today at denimday.com.

Lee Jeans would like to provide one lucky winner with a new favorite pair of denim jeans. This is a US giveaway and it will end on 10/16/2014.

Laurie 2014 signature


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