I received products from BirthdayExpress.com for my review. All opinions and photos are my own. To protect the privacy of kids that are not my own, I have blurred their faces.

My daughters have birthdays in January and April. With them being close together, I usually place one big birthday supply order in December. This helps me not forget anything, plus when the goodies come, both girls have their supplies to look at…one daughter isn’t feeling left out. It is a win win for me.

Another way I win the birthday party challenge is by shopping at BirthdayExpress.com. BirthdayExpress.com is a one stop shop; they have a plethora of birthday supplies in a large assortment of themes. They have items for kids and adults as well as supplies for any party, not just a birthday party.

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This year, Savannah decided she wanted her 8th birthday party to be a “pink mustache” theme. I told her I had NEVER heard of such a thing. I pulled up BirthdayExpress.com and searched pink mustache…let me pause right there-I did this to prove to Savannah that she needed to come up with a different theme because they weren’t going to have anything for a pink mustache party- resume story, up pops a match of 33 items! OMGoodness! I of course, apologized to her and started adding pink mustache items to my shopping cart.


Now it’s Cheyenne’s turn. A long time ago, she had decided her 6th birthday was going to be Disney’s Frozen theme. I had no doubt that BirthdayExpress.com would have a large collection of Frozen supplies. I was right; they had 156 items for us to choose from! I am glad that they had so many, because Cheyenne was pretty specific she just wanted Anna and Elsa, she didn’t want her supplies to have any of the other loveable characters.


I had what I needed in my shopping cart and quickly placed my order before they could change their mind. Then, the next day, I got a big surprise. BirthdayExperss.com wanted to partner for a review. I went back to their website and chose a couple of birthday party surprises for the girls. They had both been asking for a piñata…something we have never taken on before. Sure enough, BirthdayExpress.com had piñatas in pink mustache theme and Disney’s Frozen theme (Elsa and Anna only). So for our review, we received the Mustache Piñata Kit and the Disney Frozen Drum Pull-String Piñata Kit. When you order a Piñata Kit from BirthdayExpress.com, you receive the piñata, a bag of Piñata filler (an assortment of toys and candy), a blindfold and a piñata buster (approx. 30”long).


It was just a few days and then our birthday supplies arrived. The girls thought they knew everything that was going to be in the shipping boxes. Boy were they surprised when they saw the piñatas! I was really pleased with the quality of the piñatas and the goodies that came with it. The girls had a blast stuffing their piñata with as many goodies as they could possibly fit into them.


Savannah’s party was a lot of fun! We had a great turnout of family, friends and her classmates. The kids really seemed enjoy the piñata and the adults got a get a kick out of the pink mustache theme!

Cheyenne is counting down the days until her party in April!

Right now, BirthdayExpress.com is offering $15 OFF orders over $75 or $20 OFF orders over $100; see website for discount codes.

You can find all of your party supplies at BirthdayExpress.com. You may also connect with them on facebook, twitter and pinterest.

Laurie 2014 signature


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