I received products from Yankee Candle for my review. All opinions and photos are my own.

My emotions are strongly tied to fragrances. Nothing puts me in a better mood faster than the smell of an aromatic candle. I am quite picky when it comes to my candle selections though. I don’t want a candle with a little puff of the scent; I like them to FILL the room with their fragrance! I also want the candle itself to be attractive and coordinate with my home décor.

One of my favorite candle companies is Yankee Candle. Yankee Candles have been around for many years. They have developed a large following of customers who feel the same way I do about candles.


For my review, I received two of Yankee Candles NEW summer fragrances: Beach Holiday and Salt Water Taffy.

Beach Holiday is a breath of fresh coastal air with strong notes of blossoming flowers. It is a very clean and relaxing scent. Beach Holiday is now one of my favorite Yankee Candle fragrances.


Salt Water Taffy has a sweet creamy fruit aroma. This fragrance is lighter than that of the Beach Holiday. My only slight disappointment is that the Salt Water Taffy wicks sparked a lot. I would make sure you were close by when burning this candle.

Both of my Yankee Candles are large (3.9” x 5.6”) jar candles. The candles are made with premium-grade paraffin wax and high quality ingredients and essential oils. The double wicks made with 100% natural fibers. They have an average burn time of up to 85 hours.


In addition to jar candles, Yankee Candle offers wax melts, candle accessories, flameless fragrances and items for your car and office.

To purchase your summer Yankee Candles, please visit their website or an authorized retailer. You may also connect with them on facebook, twitter and pinterest.

Laurie 2014 signature


This post currently has one response.

  • Deb E

    Oh I would love the Beach Holiday candle. It’s usually in the mid 70s here in LA most days. Over Thanksgiving it was so cold and a warm candle would have helped remind me of the warm beaches. It should be back up to the 70s tomorrow though! Yay!

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