I received products from PlushCraft, Orb Factory, for my review. All opinions and photos are my own.

Life has been CRAZY busy for us the last month. Our house sold, we began house shopping for our new home, found it and began the purchasing process. The school year is coming to an end which means multiple field trips for me to help chaperone. PLUS we had already booked a family vacation for the first week of summer break. So now we are leaving tomorrow for vacation and three days after we return, we are moving! Whew!


With all of this going on, I am so thankful that I had two arts and crafts projects for the girls to do. This allowed me some uninterrupted packing time.  For our review, PlushCraft sent us two Pillow kits- a Personalized initial Pillow and a XOXO Pillow.


Both girls had completed PlushCraft products before so they were familiar with the process. Each pillow kit comes with the pillow, fabric pieces and a stylus. Step-by-step instructions show you how to use the stylus to gently poke the fabric piece through the perforated hole. After completion, you will have a one of a kind decoration piece.


To help guide Cheyenne with her Personalized initial pillow, I took a green sharpie and colored the places she needed to use the blue fabric pieces to make her “C”. After that, she was able to complete the project 100% on her own. The girls had a great time decorating their pillows.  Now they both have a special pillow to decorate their new bedrooms.


I strongly suggest PlushCraft products for birthday gifts, holidays, road trips or when you need some uninterrupted packing time!

To learn more about PlushCraft, please visit their website. You may also connect with Orb Factory on facebook and twitter.

Laurie 2014 signature




This post currently has 2 responses.

  • Deb E

    I really liked your current review of this company’s products so went searching for any old reviews and found this lovely one. I think I like the animals the best and the 3d items are cute too. I need to get a few of these for gifts.

  • Shelly Plockmeyer

    This looks like an interesting craft. I have a 3yr old granddaughter. Do you think she’s too young? I realize I will need to help her. My question is – do the fabric pieces pull out easily? I’m afraid once we are done I will find the fabric pieces all over the house. Thanks

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