I received product from Venta for my review. All opinions and photos are my own.

In June, we sold our house. Soon after, I was asked if I would be interested in trying a Venta Airwasher. This was perfect timing in my mind. While we were packing our belonging, I knew we would be stirring up dust and other household allergens. Having a Venta Airwasher would help me remove those allergens and keep our house fresh.


For my review, I received the Venta Airwasher LW45 in black. The LW45 is an air purifier and humidifier in one. The larger size makes it suitable for large rooms all the way up to 800 sq. ft. The LW45 has low energy consumption; in fact it is less than 10 watts.

Setting up the LW45 is easy. Simply fill the container with water to the marked fill line. Add the Venta Water Treatment Additive, to ensure proper function. Then turn it on and enjoy! An auto-shut off feature is activated when your machine needs a water and additive refill.


Is the LW45 noisy? No more than any other air purifier. In fact, I like the white noise sound, I find it relaxing. I immediately notice when it shuts off because that calming sound is gone; I have really gotten used to it. If you are sensitive to noise though, you can also adjust the speeds (1, 2 or 3) and this changes the sound levels.

How expensive are the filters and how often do you have to replace them? Never! The LW45 doesn’t have filters.


I am sure you are wondering is the LW45 a huge bulky unattractive machine that is going to bring down the aesthetics of my room? No, is my answer. The LW45 comes in black and a white/gray. The dimensions are 17.7x 11.8x 13 inches and it weighs about 13 pounds. The machine can easily be tucked under a desk, side table, or even behind the couch.

As soon as we found our new home, I hooked up the LW45 to help me remove any allergens that may have been present. Our moving helpers noted how clean our new house smelled. After four weeks, we are getting settled and are really enjoying our clean fresh country air.

To learn more about Venta Airwashers, please visit their website. You may also connect with them on facebook and twitter.

Laurie 2014 signature



This post currently has 4 responses.

  • I’ve had major sinus surgeries so nasal comfort is a must. We live in a dry house so it is important for us to keep our home well humidified. I like the fact that it can be left on the floor.

  • I like the filter requirement on this model. It is great to be filter-less.

  • This is Jenny, Marketing Associate with Venta Airwasher. On behalf of Team Venta, I want to say how grateful we are for this wonderful review from Emily Reviews and all of the overwhelmingly positive reviews we have been receiving from American consumers. We love helping people and have been the problem solver for the past 30 years. We look forward to introducing everyone in the U.S. to the Airwasher and to perfect indoor air.
    Any Emily Reviews readers who have questions, please feel free to call our toll-free customer service line at 888-333-8218 and chat with one of our friendly Venta Team members!
    Join the Venta family today! http://www.venta-airwasher.com

  • Deb E

    I like white noise too, especially to mask the apartment neighbors voices! I currently have an air filter model and worry about keeping it mold free since you don’t want to be circulating dirty air. Maybe this would help my sinus infections and dry eye syndrome.

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