Thank you to Flexi-Felt for providing me with product, free of charge, in exchange for this honest blog review.  All opinions are 100% my own.

flexi-felt Floor Protectors

The Summer before my husband and I got married, we purchased his family farm from his parents.  The house was in major need of TLC so we did some remodeling as I wanted it done before I moved in after the wedding.  With that, we replaced the floors.  Within a couple years though, the dining room was covered in scratches and looked terrible because the little felt pads never stayed on our chairs!  Then we ended up getting a Dining Room Set hand made from a local Amish Family and he installed plastic sliders on the bottoms.  So we headed to the flooring store and purchased some very expensive Dura-ceramic tiles as they said those would hold up to daily use and had a lifetime warranty.  Even the owner who came and measured said the new plastic sliders would pair well with our new floor.  Well, within a couple months, our new floor was scratched up too!  So we ended up spending almost a year dealing with the warranty paperwork and finally just got approved for a replacement.  So now I needed to find a high quality product that would protect my new floor once and for all!  After doing some research, I chose Flexi-Felt.  With their slogan:  No Scratches, No noise, no problem… Guaranteed!, I knew I needed to get these for our home.

We were sent a variety of Flexi-Felt Products to help us get ready to protect our new floor including:  Industrial Strength Adhesive Felt Pads, Industrial Strength Adhesive Felt Roll, and Flexi-Felt Clears.  The installation for the Flexi-Felt Clear was actually quite simple.  When I opened my package, there was a cute note that let me know there was an easy way and a hard way to install and to check out their installation videos to learn the easy way.  So we headed over to their website for the easy way instructions.  After cleaning the bottoms of our chairs with rubbing alcohol, we used the tool to get the Flexi-Felt Clears situated and then my husband was able to push down the remaining 1/4″ so it was completely secured on the stool legs.  Super easy!  Just a little muscle work at the end.

Flexi-Felt Flexifelt Floor Protectors, felt pads, industrial strength, #AWESOME

The Adhesive Felt Pads and Felt Rolls are really simple to install on chairs as well.  We just cut to the sizes we needed, cleaned the chair legs again, and placed them on.  The Felt Rolls worked out perfect for the bottom of our Stokke Tripp Trapps since those have a long narrow area to cover and the felt pads were the perfect size for our regular chairs.  While low heat can be applied to strengthen the bond, I don’t actually own an iron so we just ran a hair dryer on them for a short time each.  That’s it! DONE!

Flexi-Felt ~ Floor Protection That Lasts!, Flexi-Felt Flexifelt Floor Protectors, felt pads, industrial strength, #AWESOME

Flexi-Felt is created with a soft durable wool-blend felt.  It creates a high density that is impossible to pad down!  (Unlike the typical felt pads that are paper thin within days.)  They also offer a full LIFETIME guarantee with their Flexi-Felt Clear products, guaranteeing that the felt will not separate from the plastic sleeve.  Available in a variety of sizes, Flexi-Felt can accommodate many different needs, including caster wheels.  Seriously an amazing way to protect the investment of your floors!  We love our Flexi-Felt products and highly recommend them.  I’m super excited to have such a high quality product ready to protect my new floor once it’s installed next month!

Flexi-Felt ~ Floor Protection That Lasts!, Flexi-Felt Flexifelt Floor Protectors, felt pads, industrial strength, #AWESOME

Buy It: Head over to Flexi-Felt to see for yourself the great selection of Floor Protector Products they offer.

Connect: Don’t forget to like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and Pinterest, and subscribe to their YouTube channel for all the latest news and promotions.

This post currently has 4 responses.

  • Amanda Schaeffer

    Thank you for the review.My friend is thinking of redoing her kitchen I will tell her about this product it sounds perfect for her and the Lifetime Guarantee is great 🙂

  • Deb E

    What a pain you had to go through with this. The felt pads I used when I had a heavy wooden dining table and chairs stayed on but I didn’t move them much on the wood flooring. Great guarantee they have.

  • Anne Taylor

    We need these……….badly! The noise a chair makes when its being slid across the floor is horrible! thanks for the review!

  • kathy downey

    Thanks for the review,i certainly need to check these out !

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