This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Wendy’s for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Adoption is a cause that is close to my heart. My mom and stepdad adopted their granddaughter. I was 14 at the time and it was exciting to get the little sister that I had dreamed of having when I was younger but thought I would never get because my mom couldn’t have any more children of her own. My sister is now 12 and I am 24, so our sibling relationship is certainly unique from the relationship that I have with my older siblings who were little at the same time that I was. However, I don’t feel like my unique bond with her has much to do with her age or the adoption, but more from the person that she is. As a baby and toddler she was so cheery all the time, and coming home from middle and high school to her silly and precocious personality was the highlight of most of those days. Now that she’s entering middle school herself I love that I can talk to her about what I went through 10 or 12 years ago and feel a little less outdated or out of touch as most of the adults in her life because it hasn’t been quite as long since I was in her shoes.

I can’t imagine how different my life would be if she hadn’t been adopted by my mom. Adoption has been such a gift in our family even though my sister was never left in foster care. For children who do get left in the foster care system for any period of time, the gift can be so much greater.

Right now, Wendy’s is selling limited edition cups that discuss adoption. There are four different cups, each tells a “family first” story by a child who has been adopted. I stopped by my local Wendy’s and got a medium drink that included the Richard’s First Zoo Trip story. The cup was hand-designed by a boy named Richard who was adopted at age 9. He had never been to a zoo while he was living in foster care, so his first trip with his family was a special moment that he decided to draw for his cup.

Wendy’s supports adoption in part because the founder, Dave Thomas was adopted so he knows first-hand how important family is. Wendy’s passionately supports the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption which works to find permanent, loving homes for more than 130,000 children waiting in the US foster care system. The Wendy’s Wonderful Kids program has served more than 11,500 children and has helped more than 4,500 children be adopted. The Wendy’s Wonderful Kids program focuses on children who have been waiting the longest in the foster care system. Wendy’s Wonderful Kids assigns special recruiters with caseloads of children so that each child can get as much attention on their case as it deserves to find them a family that suits their personal needs. The program has been shown to increase the odds of a child being adopted by up to three times. Dave Thomas has been quoted as saying that children in foster care “aren’t someone else’s responsibility, they are our responsibility.”. Wendy’s is continuing to support this belief system by sharing adoption stories on the beverage cups through November. The cups also encourage people to visit the site (the Wendy’s adoption page) which will let you listen to and watch animated illustrations of “family first” moments like the animated version of my cup, Richard’s First Zoo Trip.

Has your family been impacted by adoption? I’d love to hear your story.

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