This post is sponsored by Bayer® ExpertCareTM and the BlogPaws Influencer Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Bayer ExpertCare products but Emily Reviews only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Bayer ExpertCare is not responsible for the content of this article.

One recurring health issue that we’ve had with frank is hot spots. He struggles with itchy/dry skin that comes and goes. I believe it to be the result of some sort of seasonal allergy because he is on the same food year round, is on preventative flea medication year round and the itchiness comes and goes. When he has his itchy phases he will try to scratch his back against furniture and will occasionally scratch just right and create an open wound or ‘hot spot. When we’ve taken him to the vet for this we’ve been told to try to keep him from further irritating the sore to prevent it from getting larger.

Petsmart Lansing

Just a couple of days after Frank had opened a sore on his shoulder area, we learned that PetSmart now carries Bayer® ExpertCareTM health and wellness products for dogs. The Bayer ExpertCare dog line is specifically formulated for dogs. The Bayer ExpertCare line includes a wound spray gel that I wanted to try using on Frank’s sore.

Bayer ExpertCare line PetSmart

We stopped at our nearest PetSmart and walked towards the back where health and wellness products for dogs were located. We found an entire section of Bayer ExpertCare products. I think my local neighbors have been excited about this health and wellness line because the section was a bit picked over but we were successful at finding the Bayer ExpertCare wound spray gel. Each product clearly describes the purpose of that product, so you can simply look for a label that describes your dogs need (wound healing, moisturizing, etc) then grab and go.

Wound Spray

I’ve been using the spray on Frank for two days now. His sore was two or three days old before we started using the spray so it had started to heal on its own, but it’s completely closed up with a scab now. I’m excited to have the wound spray gel on hand for any future sores to try using it from day 1 and see how the healing time compares to our past experiences.

Frank Wound

While at PetSmart I also picked up two other Bayer ExpertCare products that I will continue using for a few more weeks and then report back to you guys how my dogs did with those.

bayer expertcare logo

Visit your local PetSmart to find Bayer ExpertCare health and wellness products for dogs.



This post currently has 5 responses.

  • Natalie Brown

    I’m so glad your baby is feeling better! My dog gets itchy spots during the Summer when it’s super humid. They’re not really hot spots but itchy bumps. I’m at PetSmart quite often and will have to look at these products to see if there’s one I could use for him during these times. Thanks!!

  • I need to check this out at PetSmart – winter can wreak havoc on a pet’s skin.

  • Marnie Ward

    I am so glad I read this article. I have a Corgi and his skin gets so irritated. I have taken him to vet, paid for steroid baths, and put him on medication. Nothing seemed to help him and I have felt just awful. I will definitely head to PetSmart and try the Bayer ExpertCare Skincare For Dogs .

  • ellen beck

    I had a chow chow who would get hot spots and used products quite similiar to this. She passed from old age a few years ago and our new rescue doesnt have this (thank goodness) I always thought it was allergies of some sort too and it did seem to be seasonal . She even would get it when shaved in the summer!
    Looks like a good product and I do like Bayer products.

  • Deb E

    My Yorkie had a long life and towards the end I was needing a lot of products to make him more comfortable. I use Bayer products as a nurse and would trust them for my dog too.

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