Earths healing boxes review
By Lakota

December 2nd, 2015

Thank you to Earth’s Healing Boxes for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions belong to me. 

The Earth has so much to offer us in the ways of medicine and healing. Everything from herbs, to flowers, and the food that grows here. Something gaining in popularity lately is essential oils. Essential oils can feel overwhelming. Where do you start? What oils are safe? What oils are good for what? The questions can be never ending. Earth’s Healing Boxes is a great point to start learning the ins and outs of essential oils. Each month Earth’s Healing Boxes sends out a carefully articulated box to each subscriber. Inside of the monthly box you’ll find a few essential oils, recipe cards, safety tips and tricks as well as a couple small gifts that most likely incorporate the oils that were sent to you.

Earths healing boxes review

I received one Earth’s Healing Box for review. When you receive your box, don’t let the size fool you, there is plenty worth inside. The box smelled amazing before I even opened it. Upon opening the box, I found inside, 3 essential oils, 1 essential oil blend and two beautiful necklaces! The essential oils i received were tea tree, eucalyptus, and scotch pine. I have friends who are really into essential oils and have used quite a few myself so the tea tree and eucalyptus weren’t new to me but the scotch pine was. I was glad to have the history and uses card that explained each oil!

Earths healing boxes review Earths healing boxes review

Recipes is a place I lack most of the time when it comes to essential oils, I mostly diffuse or use diluted. I was glad to have new interesting recipes from Earth’s Healing Boxes. I would have never thought to really mix essential oils with cornstarch for a powder product!

Earths healing boxes review Earths healing boxes review Earths healing boxes review

The tips and tricks card was helpful for me to know carrier oils other that grape seed as well as the best storage method.

Earths healing boxes review

The necklaces I received are so adorable, and they have a purpose! I love dual jewelry! I can not wait to add some lemongrass essential oil into these and wear on a night out.

Earths healing boxes review

The patchouli spray I received is something I’m giving to my mom as she is truly in love with the stuff! Besides the scent I had no idea about the healing properties it possessed.

Earths healing boxes review

Earths Healing Boxes is the perfect gift for any earth lover on your list this year! Check out their site to subscribe and start receiving your gift from earth! Want a chance to try out Earth’s Healing box for free? Enter the giveaway below!

Win it! An Earth’s Healing Box. To enter: Fill out the GT form below by 11:59pm EST on 12/11/2015.


Lakota Signature


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