Thank you to Baker Creek Seed Co. for providing me with product, free of charge, in exchange for this honest review. All opinions are 100% my own.
Garden season is finally here!
This winter we began planning our first family garden. We decided to “go big” and plant a huge garden that could provide produce for us to enjoy fresh as well as enough to dehydrate and can.
One thing that was really important to me, was that we used quality seeds. I turned to Baker Creek Seed Co. for our garden goodies. For my review, Baker Creek Seed Co. sent me a Heirloom Seed Collection.
The Heirloom Seed Collection contains: Greens, Onion, Peppers, Kohlrabi, Eggplant, Cucumber, Rutabaga, Summer Squash, Winter Squash, Spinach, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Turnip, Watermelon, Radish, Peas, Beans, Melon, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Beet, Carrot and Corn.
Your Heirloom Seed Collection comes in a large mylar resealable package. This special package will preserve the seeds for four-ten years, if kept in a cool and dry place.
When you order an Heirloom Seed Collection, you will receive Clyde’s planting chart. This handy sliding chart helps you figure out the best time to plant each of your seeds. We used Clyde’s chart to divide our seeds into three planting categories- April, May and June.
In April, I used tilled garden soil and recycled containers for our garden starts. We began with sunflowers, peas, onions, and cabbage. Within two-three weeks we could see our new little plants taking off. It has been a lot of fun to watch them grow.
Now that it is May, we are ready for our second phase of planting. Soon I will plant peppers, melon, cucumbers, corn and tomatoes.
In June I will plant squash, cauliflower and greens.
I can hardly wait to taste our produce. I am so glad I went with the Heirloom Seed Collection from Baker Creek Seed Co.
Do you have a garden? What do you plant?
Buy it: Please visit Baker Creek Seed Co. website to see the great selection of products they offer.
Connect: Don’t forget to follow Baker Creek Seed Co. on facebook and twitter for the latest product announcements and special offers.
Hello, my name is Laurie. My family and I live near the Oregon coast. When we aren’t at work, in school, or on the volleyball court, we enjoy traveling, cheering for our favorite sports teams, playing outdoors, and checking off items on our bucket list. We are lucky in that both sets of our parents, as well as our siblings and their families, live within an hour of us. We get together often to help one another out, celebrate milestones, and go on adventures together.
This post currently has 11 responses.
I’ve been seeing a lot of articles lately about heirloom seeds. I did have a house with a garden but now in my apartment, I can only dream. My sister may be able to plant a garden. It’s a good thought when you want a reliable source for organic food.
Love Baker Creek seeds this is my 3rd year with them. My favorite so far has been the German pink tomatoes and the lipstick peppers. Both have been great growers and very tasty!?
My mom loves to plant in her garden. She loves roses and daises but she has never tried food.
These seeds sound amazing, I love the provided chart. I love gardening! I grew up with a huge garden in our backyard, and have always wanted to start my own now that I’m an adult. We are currently in the process of moving into a new home, so I’m not sure if I’ll make it this year. But I will definitely be starting one ASAP! I homeschool and would love to teach my 3 littles where food comes from! 🙂
I would love to plan and plant an herb garden. I do plant vegetables every year. There’s nothing like fresh carrots and tomatoes from one’s own garden. The heirloom seeds look wonderful. It’s great to see what has been grown in the past.
I love planting and planted Butternut Squash for the firsr time this year
These Baker Creek Heirloom Garden Seeds sounds wonderful. I’m hoping to have a place with a yard, maybe by next year – I’d love to keep this in mind for a garden!
I looooove Baker Creek!!!!! I order most of my seeds from them. They have the biggest heirloom seed catalogue I have ever seen. I always enjoy getting my Baker Creek seed catelogue every winter! Every year, they have new seed varieties or plants offered. I just harvested some Wade’s Giant Indian corn that I got from them today, and it’s huge and so beautiful. Baker Creek is the best!!!!!
A garden and flower beds is what I miss from my home, apartment living. This sounds like a lot of good tasting verggies down the road. there is a family at the farmers market here that sell heirloom veggies. People bitch about the prices but they taste like real veggies that you remember from when you were a kid.
I love having a garden every year, and some of my favorite things to plant are cucumber, cantaloupe and sweet potatoes.