Ball Canning sent product to assist me with this post. All opinions are my own.
One of my favorite things about summertime is being able to see product grow right in our own yard and reaping the fruits of our labor. Last year was less than great because a deer ate my garden – TWICE! Thankfully, my sister and her husband were kind enough to share their abundance with me so I was still able to do some canning. This year, I can’t wait for all the harvesting so I can get busy again!
Thank you to Ball Canning for providing me with goodies to create this post!
To warm up, I utilized The All New Ball Book Of Canning And Preserving and made a batch of the Blueberry Syrup from page 122. When I served my husband, he was really impressed and thought I had bought the syrup because it was so yummy! So this recipe will definitely be added to my “Must Make Again” list when it’s gone.
Blueberry Syrup Recipe
- 4 1/4 pounds fresh blueberries
- 3 cups water, divided
- cheesecloth
- 3 cups sugar
- 1 1/2 tablespoons bottled lemon juice
- Wash and drain blueberries and place in an 8 quart pot along with 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and crush the blueberries with a potato masher. Reduce the heat and simmer for 12 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Line a fine wire-mesh strainer with 3 layers of dampened cheesecloth. Place the strainer over a bowl and pour the blueberry mixture into strainer. Let stand for 20 minutes (do NOT press mixture).
- Combine 3 cups of sugar and 1 cup of water in a large saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring until sugar dissolves. Boil, uncovered for 20 minutes or till mixture reaches 220 degrees, stirring occasionally.
- Stir in blueberry juice and lemon juice and return to boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes, stirring once. Remove from heat and skim off and discard any foam.
- Ladle syrup into a hot jar, leaving 1/3″ headspace. Remove air bubbles and wipe jar rim. Place lid and band on, and turn fingertip tight. Place jar in boiling water canner.
- Process jars for 10 minutes, adjusting for altitude. Turn off heat, remove lid, and let jars stand for 5 minutes. Remove jars and cool.
Be sure to also check out Ball’s sixth annual Can-It-Forward Day on July 22nd, 2016. Join this fun and unique experience entirely online via Facebook Live. Throughout the entire day, enjoy a variety of a variety of canning recipes, celebrate the joys of fresh preserving, and every engagement received on the videos equals another $1 to a local charity!
If you want to take the Can-It-Forward pledge this year, head over to Ball Canning’s Tumblr Page where they will be launching their be launching Digital Pledge Page.
Buy It: Head over to Ball Canning to see for yourself the great selection of products they offer.
Connect: Don’t forget to like Ball Canning on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and Pinterest, and subscribe to their You Tube Channel for all the latest news and promotions.
Win It: Ball Canning is generously offering one of our lucky readers a fun prize package consisting of:
- The All New Book Of Ball Canning And Preserving
- Case of Collection Elite Wide Mouth Pint Jars
- (One) $5 off coupon to be used on FreshPreservingStore.com
This giveaway is open to the US only and will end July 26th, 2016. For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!
Entry Form
I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
Follow Miranda on Pinterest | Twitter| Blog | Instagram
This post currently has 31 responses.
It’s so great when friends, family, or neighbors share their overabundant garden! I saw some good deal on Ball canning supplies at Ralph’s (Kroger’s) last week, but don’t have a garden.
My aunts canned everything. I wish I had that ability. Now there are only two of us so it is hardly worth the effort. I admire those who do can their food.
I like the Ball® freshTECH HarvestPro™ Sauce Maker . This looks like it would be a great machine to make sauce for cannning.
I have to try this using Unsweetened sugar
I am willing to try this syrup but was wondering how strong the taste would be? You could of course come on over with some so I can try it! Perhaps over some homemade vanilla bean ice cream…MMM!
I absolutely love Ball canning jars! I had no idea they had a website and such a great selection, so much more than I can find locally! I am excited to start ordering!
I Really like the Beef Enchilada recipe and plan to make it this weekend. I am always looking for easy recipes that my family will like.
I have never canned anything before. I grew up with my grandparents canning every summer. I am now going to have to try it after reading this. Thanks..
Ive always wanted to learn how to start canning especially pickles!
thanks for bring back memories…….. as a kid my grandmother used to make this syrup!
I have not had it or even thought about it many many years.
I saw this on the freshpreserving.com website: Transform Mason® LED Lighted Lid Insert Kit for Mason Jars – it’s so cool, you can make a little lantern out of a mason jar!
Thank you for sharing, Love blueberry syrup, My husband made some Fig syrup last night.. OH YUMM.
Mmm, your blueberry syrup looks amazing!!!
I just had pancakes with boysenberry syrup today. Uhhhh-mazing!!! I wish hubby hadn’t bbq’ed my blueberry bush- I’d love to make some of that yummy looking syrup!
I want to try this out, canning has always been a thing on my wish list , I do hope maybe this winter coming, and those blueberries look delicious!
@tisonlyme143 -
mmmm I love blueberries! They and pancakes are a perfect match, and this syrup looks delicious. I’ve been meaning to do something with blueberries for a while now.
Just looking at this picture brings back so many memories for me. As a senior now I can remember my aunt canning the berries we picked. Then she would sent each of us home with 2 jars that we could share with our family. They were so so good……………..
I still have yet to try canning, but it is on my list of things to do, I really enjoy blueberries so this recipe here will
help me when I am ready to do so.
@tisonlyme143 -
just seeing the picture of the jar and know what was in it gave me lots of memories. As a kid we got to do the picking and we would take the berries over to my aunts house. We watched and got to sample and in the end we always got to take a lot of can home with us.
Yum! I love blueberries. I wanted a good syrup recipe and now I have one.
The blueberry syrup recipe sounds wonderful! I want to try it.
i love the sense of accomplishment i get from a good canning session. i have only made barbecue sauce so far this year, and been looking for my next project. this might just be it. thank you so much for sharing, this syrup looks and sounds delicious
I love our blueberry syrup recipe! It’s so easy and I can see putting this on yogurt and ice cream besides waffles or pancakes!
my mom would love this! I might have to make it for her!
Homemade fruit syrups are delicious in seltzer water and I bet this blueberry with a squeeze of lemon would be divine! Like a glass of summer 🙂
I have been thinking about this since I first saw this picture, I have the recipe saved. This summer I or I should say my sister in law is going to make this for me. I will get the berries and she will fix. The first thing I want to eat with it is pancakes
This looks so awesome. Ive never tried canning before. It could really be fun, and these pancakes look amazing!
We can every year including blueberries. This will be a great morning recipe for my family using the canned blueberries.
I absolutely love Ball canning jars! I had no idea they had a website and the selection is so much more vast than I can find locally! I am overly excited and can’t wait to start ordering!